"Former #USA diplomat Hala Rharrit said she documented images coming out of #Gaza for the State Department – “I would show the complicity that was indisputable, fragments of U.S. bombs next to massacres of mostly children ... it's overwhelmingly children. I would show images of children that were starved to death. I was berated, don't put that image in there." Three months into the war Rharrit was told her reports were no longer needed.”
How low can they go? I’m afraid we still haven’t fully discovered that.
“The MAGA cohort reportedly rounded up homeless people from the area – including one person from under a bridge – promising them a meal at the Hotel Hans Egede in exchange for their participation in the pro-Trump photo circuit.”
Countries around the world have stores and stores of weapons, but what is the biggest secret we know about? @sciencefocus looks into the strangest weapon the US military doesn’t want you to know about.
Aww, Genocide Joe has pardoned his own son. Family is important to Genocide Joe. Unless it’s families in Gaza being wiped out with the billions of dollars of weapons he sells to Israel, of course.
COP29 ended with a last-minute deal struck that will have rich countries pay $300 billion to developing nations by 2035. Will that be enough to allow the developing world to cover expenses related to the damaging effects of climate change? “It’s a paltry sum,” India’s delegate Chandni Raina said. @BBCNews has 5 takeaways from the summit, including more on the bitter divisions that remain after the deal, negotiations to “Trump-proof” the climate, and more: https://flip.it/H2Jdu1 #Science#ClimateChange#COP29#GlobalWarming#Climate#China#USA#Trump
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The US really should be working with Mexico or buying Mexican border lands to build a Border Canal The Panama Canal is in trouble, mostly mismanagement Mexico tried to build the Isthmus of Tehuantepec canal and stalled So are now trying to revive the old railway on the route