October 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the EU border guard agency Frontex. For these 20 long years it has spread death and insecurity. We count and mourn more than 60,620 deaths caused by the EU border regime since 1993. Frontex is a key actor in the war against people on the move and a symbol for its certain failure…
20 years #Frontex – Stop counting candles, start counting lives: #AbolishFrontex ! [French and Italian below]
Stop #GEAS "Seit 2014 sind rund 30.000 Menschen auf ihrer Flucht nach Europa im #Mittelmeer ertrunken. Am 8.Juni haben die EU-Innenminster*innen beschlossen, mit der Reform des Gemeinsamen Europäischen #Asylsystems (GEAS) Unmenschlichkeit und menschenrechtsverletzende Praktiken an den Außengrenzen der EU zu ratifizieren. Statt einer Asylpolitik die den oftmals schwer traumatisierten verfolgten Geflüchteten gerecht wird setzt die #EU auf Lager in denen Menschen monatelang unter haftähnlichen Bedingungen eingesperrt werden. Dort sollen sie in einem Schnellverfahren abgefertigt und in vermeitlich sicherer Drittstaaten abgeschoben werden.
Zahlreiche Menschenrechtsorganisationen kritisieren die GEAS aufs Schärfste. Auch wir prangern die menschenrechtsverachtende Politik an. Sie macht jede Abgrenzung der Ampelparteien zu Rechtsextremen zur Heuchelei. Diese Reform ist eine Eskalation der rassistischen und staatlich legitimierten Gewalt gegen Geflüchtete! Darum folgt nun von uns eine Eskalation unserer Methoden. (...) Weil Menschen ungehört sterben und ihr dabei schweigt,müssen jetzt Scheiben splittern weil ihr nur dann schreit!" https://de.indymedia.org/node/312852
🔴 🇪🇸 DNA study confirms Christopher Columbus’s remains are entombed in Seville
"On Thursday, after two decades of DNA testing and research, the forensic medical expert José Antonio Lorente said the incomplete set of remains in Seville Cathedral were indeed those of Columbus."
Woo hoo! 🥳 🎉 The Court of Justice of the EU (top court for EU law) says a legal gender (& name) change must be regonised across the whole EU! 🏳️⚧️⚧️✊🏻🇪🇺
Peaceful protest is a powerful and public way for people to make their voices heard. It has long been a vital means for advancing human rights. However, in #Europe, the right of peaceful assembly is increasingly coming under attack. This report documents an array of trends and patterns of #humanRights violations that curtail this right, and contains detailed recommendations for states to ensure that everyone’s right to protest is protected, respected and fulfilled.
"Just like Apple, Meta is behaving as though the #DMA permits it to carry on its worst behavior, with minor cosmetic tweaks around the margins. Just like #Apple, #Meta is daring the #EU to enforce its democratically enacted laws, implicitly promising to pit its billions against #Europe’s institutions to preserve its right to spy on us."
For the fifth time in three years, a group of orcas has sunk a ship in southwest Europe. This time an unknown number of killer whales attacked a 50-foot sailing yacht in the Strait of Gibraltar, ripped open its hull and sent the boat to the seafloor. Live Science has more, including what happened to the crew and why researchers believe the attacks are a learned behavior that could increase in the coming months. https://flip.it/0KoMeL #Science#KillerWhales#Orcas#Europe
"Europe is the fastest-warming continent and its temperatures are rising at roughly twice the global average, two top climate monitoring organizations reported Monday, warning of the consequences for human health, glacier melt and economic activity."