Ghislaine 🎅🏻 ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:42:27 JST Ghislaine 🎅🏻
Man things must be dire if the daily beast is publishing shit like this
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:42:27 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Ghislaine Good heavens this is awful to see. They’re doing battlefield medicine a week before sending them into battle. I’ve seen missionary trips with more training
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:46:55 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Ghislaine This is really interesting to see. Can’t wait until we have sanctimonious libshits saying the same about us:
Woah, for once they admit there were dudes smart enough to skip town. Love how the guys have one fate - to die in the mud, but no one spares a word for all her chick friends screwing their way across every nightclub in berlin.
“Remember what you fight for” doesn’t inspire much when you picture the girl next door doing club drugs with shitskins in the EU. I get where this lady is coming from, but she’s a worker bee, too. She worked for globohomo, so why isn’t SHE signing up to go get her flesh turned to mulch for more israeli lebensraum?
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:49:31 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Ghislaine “mister shekelstein says it’s important, so it doesn’t matter how many of the guys in town die for european values”
“like what? What are “EUROPEAN” values, and how do they differ from Ukrainian values?”
blaaablaaaa ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:49:36 JST blaaablaaaa
"Yeah of course I'm paying attention, I got it medicine is easy." Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Wolffkran ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:49:50 JST Wolffkran
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Ghislaine >Being mad at draft dodgers instead of the jews pushing your entire country and yourself to annihilation for little to no reason
Today maybe I understand why jews have contempt towards cattle.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Ghislaine 🎅🏻 ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:49:55 JST Ghislaine 🎅🏻
@WashedOutGundamPilot Middle class people and above have been able to avoid service I think. Corrupt country Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:50:31 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Ghislaine That’s how it always is. Gotta keep them somewhat content, make them feel like there’s always a respectable way out.
“uh….I’m in college for an essential degree in um……art?”
Ghislaine 🎅🏻 ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:50:39 JST Ghislaine 🎅🏻
@caekislove @WashedOutGundamPilot Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️ ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:50:40 JST Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Ghislaine Imagine volunteering to die on either side of that utterly pointless war 🙄 -
☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :denton_laugh: ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:51:56 JST ☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :denton_laugh:
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Ghislaine They're literally bleeding their country dry for Globohomo. Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Ghislaine 🎅🏻 ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:52:31 JST Ghislaine 🎅🏻
@WashedOutGundamPilot >european values
Hyperborean little dark age slideshow memeWoggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:54:36 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Ghislaine Scenes from “biggest pride parade yet in ukraine” in 2019
synapsid ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:55:01 JST synapsid
Roastoids are going to be in for a shock over here if they think young men are going to go die on a beach in Taiwan with a smile on their faces. Turns out calling men evil racists rapists, and actively discriminating against them when it comes to jobs and education DOESN'T motivate them to fight for your country, huh, who knew?
I can't see any sort of scenario where the regime bullhorn does a 180 and starts praising young White men- impossible. The rot and anti-White institutional inertia is just too high for any significant social change on a dime needed to properly motivate soldiers like that.
Fight for my country? What country? The 19 year old zoomer? Why? He hasn't had a gf, probably works an underpaid, thankless job, and even if he had a perfect GPA and SAT, got denied any higher education because he was White. You think they'll fight for America? LOLWoggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:56:25 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@synapsid @Ghislaine As their elder brothers we’ll have to be willing to go to bat for them, even when they’re repugnant zoomers. That means keeping the chunky vidya/porno addict on payroll and helping him duck draft MP’s when they come sniffing. Looking at a whole lot of them I think a lot of the time we’ll be leaning towards sending them on the cattle car to taipan, but we gotta starve the beast regardless
:swastika: Eddie Fucksaw :swastika: ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 07:58:25 JST :swastika: Eddie Fucksaw :swastika:
Future historians, if we have the luxury of future historians, are not going to look kindly on this era. Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Wolffkran ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 08:01:47 JST Wolffkran
@synapsid @WashedOutGundamPilot @Ghislaine The trap for younger people is that a lot of them will think military service will be the only guaranteed career path they have towards stable living. Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks and :gura_sus: 1e+6 litres :flag_china: like this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 08:03:02 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Wolffkran @synapsid @Ghislaine I think we’ll be astounded at how many are willing to go. All the system has to do is over the right mix of pleasures and they’re signing up in droves. After all, it’s gonna be a short fight, just like they promised the ukes. Sign up now so you can be a part of the guys who saw combat! It’ll all be over before you get there if you wait around!
Some Purple Cat ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 08:04:10 JST Some Purple Cat
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Ghislaine yes this is open knowledge people were fleeing both ru and ua to draft dodge. I know the guy who made the everdrive did too. Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 08:14:11 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@mmmfeet @Wolffkran @synapsid @Ghislaine I’m not so hopeful. People have a short memory, and Genz is mostly swarthoids. I think they’ll fold overall. If they had any discipline, they wouldn’t be obese weed addicts
mmmfeet ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 08:14:12 JST mmmfeet
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Wolffkran @synapsid @Ghislaine People always thought pussy had an unflinching grip on young men but 60% of them aren't pursuing sex or romance any more. And i still personally think the real number is higher. They don't trust the system any more than they trust women. A draft, or a big campaign to entice young White men to join the military, wouldn't work. -
Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 08:25:50 JST Twoinchdestroya
@WashedOutGundamPilot @mmmfeet @Wolffkran @synapsid @Ghislaine Honestly, mid-Western Whites probably still see virtue and honor in the military.
As much as we all over here preach about how evil and anti-White America is, imagine we are barely a percent in the mindset of the country. I guarantee that although people rather not die for America, people still believe in America, and that is their downfall.
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 08:26:35 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Twoinchdestroya @mmmfeet @Wolffkran @synapsid @Ghislaine I just want us all mentally braced for this. I was amazed that azov went from complaining about their faggot us-jew puppet being installed against their will to happily dying to protect him….I’m sure we’ll end up falling for some tricks, too.
Ghislaine 🎅🏻 ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 08:35:58 JST Ghislaine 🎅🏻
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Twoinchdestroya @mmmfeet @Wolffkran @synapsid Azov was allowed to be Uber patriotic nazi enjoyers. Don’t think the system will let us do that. Plus Russia is a real threat to the actual country of Ukraine - no zog war will ever be able to be justified in such basic nationalist terms
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 08:55:32 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@WashedOutGundamPilot @synapsid @Ghislaine @Wolffkran i seriously doubt ZOG's ability to come up with anything remotely appealing. they've painted themselves into a corner, and filled their ranks with true believers.
if ZOG wasn't ZOG, they could produce a short ad asking the viewer "where will you be in 5 years?", one side showing a white kid working a dead end retail job and being yelled at by a customer, taking the bus to his shitty apartment to see an eviction notice taped to the door, and then his girlfriend breaking up with him. the other side shows him doing MANLY SHIT in training, standing in uniform near something cool like a tank, and then stepping out of a mustang to his wife and kid welcoming him home before a short blurb about careers in the army or the yuuuuuge signing bonus.
instead they're going to make the gayest and most retarded propaganda you've seen in your life, chock full of niggers, prominently featuring a tranny, and an absurdly diverse group of dudes saluting an especially gross looking mystery meat brown woman.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:02:10 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Reluctant_Weeb @Ghislaine @synapsid @Twoinchdestroya @Wolffkran @mmmfeet I understand it perfectly, and have since the start.
But I’m american, so the whole “fighting to retain the donbass” doesn’t mean anything to me. Heaven forbid anyone secede from the buttsex union. Hell, I sympathize more with the guys in the east than the rest of ukraine, they got their gov stolen out from under them and got ruled by tyrants who hated their guts. Ukes and donbass folk hate each other’s guts anyways, to the point they were capturing civilians, crucifying them, and burning them alive - why the hell is it so vital they both stay yoked together?
Russia’s just as bad in most ways, but at least they aren’t all-in on the most abominable aspects of globohomo (yet). It’s easier to live an upright life when you won’t go have your kids taken from you when you refuse to approve their tranny surgery.
Guys like you would be telling me “SIGN UP! THE CHINESE JUST TOOK THE WEST COAST!!!!” in the hypothetical red dawn - all I would say is Not my state, not my problem.
Reluctant Weeb ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:02:11 JST Reluctant Weeb
@Ghislaine @synapsid @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Wolffkran @mmmfeet
I feel like the fact that Ukraine is literally being invades gets lost on some people who only see it as Zog versus based Russia. They don't seem to realize that most of the people fighting are doing so simply because they don't want their nation to become Russia's puppet. They can only view things from a high level political view and assume that everyone is literally fighting for buttsex and to retain Zog hegemony. -
Reluctant Weeb ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:02:49 JST Reluctant Weeb
@Twoinchdestroya @synapsid @Ghislaine @WashedOutGundamPilot @Wolffkran @mmmfeet
That's definitely true. I think people who spend too much time online don't realize how few dissidents there really are.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
teknomunk ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:07:31 JST teknomunk
@synapsid @Ghislaine @WashedOutGundamPilot
"But they will force people to fight!" How do they think that will go? Prison battalions? You'll get officers fragged left and right. It only gets worse from there if you do anything but use volunteers.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:08:17 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@teknomunk @synapsid @Ghislaine I just see a lot of drug use, for some reason. I know it seems outlandish now, but if they REALLY had to produce bodies, I think you could sell it on the sexiness of a multi-month berzerker meth rampage somehow
Boomerman ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:08:29 JST Boomerman
@Reluctant_Weeb @Ghislaine @synapsid @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Wolffkran @mmmfeet Most of them are fighting because theyre conscripted and have a rifle pointed at their back. This idea that its some high minded defense of some principled nation state is ridiculous. Theyre fighting because they have no other choice. Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
d ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:29:05 JST d
@Boomerman @skylar @WashedOutGundamPilot @synapsid @Ghislaine @Wolffkran lol can't wait -
Boomerman ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:29:05 JST Boomerman
@deprecated_ii @skylar @WashedOutGundamPilot @synapsid @Ghislaine @Wolffkran Its not even hard to smoke refer in the military if you want. The batch testing for piss barely catches anyone. Unless someone snitches you probably wont be caught. Theyll rip the bandaid off eventually and say its so black rastas can have dey cultuh or some bullshit like that. Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Boomerman ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:29:06 JST Boomerman
@skylar @WashedOutGundamPilot @synapsid @Ghislaine @Wolffkran Unironically and theyll do it soon, the only way to boost both retention and recruitment is allowing pot. -
Paleloon ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:29:59 JST Paleloon
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Reluctant_Weeb @Ghislaine @synapsid @Twoinchdestroya @Wolffkran @mmmfeet God i hope china would take california id be upgraded from a 3rd class citizen to a second class citizen Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
d ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:34:12 JST d
@Reluctant_Weeb @WashedOutGundamPilot @synapsid @Ghislaine @Twoinchdestroya @Wolffkran @mmmfeet well good news, nobody is going to invade the US
except mexico, which has been doing it for 60 yearsWoggy's Zeonic Frolicks and :gura_sus: 1e+6 litres :flag_china: like this. -
Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:34:12 JST Twoinchdestroya
@deprecated_ii @Reluctant_Weeb @WashedOutGundamPilot @synapsid @Ghislaine @Wolffkran @mmmfeet We got China erecting their own police force in America and buying up all the farm land and residential property.
America will be a battle or ownership between Chinese and Jews, with Mexicans renting from both
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks and :gura_sus: 1e+6 litres :flag_china: like this. -
Reluctant Weeb ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:34:13 JST Reluctant Weeb
@WashedOutGundamPilot @synapsid @Ghislaine @Twoinchdestroya @Wolffkran @mmmfeet
>Guys like you would be telling me “SIGN UP! THE CHINESE JUST TOOK THE WEST COAST!!!!” in the hypothetical red dawn - all I would say is Not my state, not my problem.
Don't put words in my mouth. At this point I see a foreign invasion of the US as the worst case scenario, as any it forces people to chose between foreign powers or zog, and in that case there is no right option. In such a scenario the only chose I can see is to give up. The dream is lost, pick which uncaring master to die for. It's for that reason that I think collapse should be avoided if at all possible, as it would just mean going from Jewish rule to Chinese in all likely hood. And I don't for a second believe society would be any better under Chinese rule, a different set of problems is still a problem. The issue is that they won't leave you alone, and won't stop unless you go out and make them. That's both for the Jews in our government, and the foreigners who only stay away because we currently have such a big military and nuclear arsenal. -
Ame ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:34:27 JST Ame
@synapsid @WashedOutGundamPilot @Ghislaine > I can't see any sort of scenario where the regime bullhorn does a 180 and starts praising young White men- impossible.
It's not that - a lot of rightie 'intellectuals' underestimate them, but generic White normalfags are pretty sharp and intuitive. Top Gun 2 did well at the box office, but the expected recruitment gains were anemic.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:34:57 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@AmericanChampion @synapsid @Ghislaine I attributed that to the fact that the people seeing the movie didn’t have white kids of recruitment age. No bump when the people who respond to the propaganda are childless
sargoysmuck ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:35:05 JST sargoysmuck
@WashedOutGundamPilot @synapsid @Ghislaine I’m going with the shadman311 approach if I get door knocked. Please be ready to feed me a list of slurs so I can accurately attack all of their ethnicities. Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:49:01 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Twoinchdestroya @deprecated_ii @Reluctant_Weeb @synapsid @Ghislaine @Wolffkran @mmmfeet For the ukes they need to be looking further ahead than this. If I were a hypothetical ukie living in the middle of the country, I’d have opted to live under russian rule because my family & people can be kept healthier and more intact under their moderately pseudo trad lip service than the american globohomo regime. Still ultimately an enemy though.
Either way, the end goal is to have as many white kids in my family ready to fight whichever regime rules over us when all this nonsense comes to a head in the far-off future. If america collapsed in 2050, that’s when my hypothetical uke family would be going loud hoping to exploit the chance and be a real independent state again, whether it’s a russian overseer or a “ukrainian” (ZOG) one. It’s all about conserving our forces, growing, and gaining strength while their regime collapses.
Going with the uke side strikes me as being worse for us over time. More race mixing, more immigration, less tradition, more damage, less family building, ultimately weakening us in the long fight - and that’s the one that really matters. No matter which regime we’d be living under, we’d be targeted for erasure eventually. (I feel better about having to survive under WEF shit made by russians than made by yankees, too.)
At least the russians are slower in their metastasis of globohomo…though in time they’ll pick up the same tune as the west, I suspect. But living from 2023 to 2050 would result in more of our people being of higher quality stock, fewer mixers, bigger families, with their traditions intact, under the russian flag. Might not be a gigantic statistical difference, but were I to die tomorrow having to pick which regime my kids would live on under I find little reason to choose ukrainians.
Similar effect for china - why would I choose the openly hostile USA when china at least makes overtures to sanity in the way they govern? They’re retarded in their own ways, but we’re much worse, more hysterical and emotional than the chinks. A smart, capable man has a better shot of thriving under the chinks than ZOG. And that man can make a family, can train them, and ultimately show up on “game day 2050” with 25 times the people he’d have had if his grandpa died in Hostomel in 2022.
Wrath ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:49:08 JST Wrath
@skylar @sapphire @synapsid @Ghislaine @WashedOutGundamPilot Shit, I'd take the promise of being treated like at least an independent 2nd class citizen by ambivalent chinks over being a slandered and abused target for extermination by a hostile genocidal cabal of literally satanic, child eating kikes.'s Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:49:09 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@sapphire @synapsid @Ghislaine @WashedOutGundamPilot they're gonna have to offer better than a chinese -
sapphire ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:49:10 JST sapphire
@synapsid @Ghislaine @WashedOutGundamPilot I guarantee you about a year before it pops off there’s gonna be a HUGE resurgence of Vietnam boomer movies about getting the hottest girl in Southeast Asia for being a good little zogbot and with the current pussy shortage in America they’ll be banking on chink pussy drawing lonely zoomers into the meat grinder -
sapphire ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:49:10 JST sapphire
@synapsid @Ghislaine @WashedOutGundamPilot > @skylar on his way to sell his soul for some Chinese pussy -
teknomunk ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:49:13 JST teknomunk
@Twoinchdestroya @Reluctant_Weeb @synapsid @deprecated_ii @Ghislaine @mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot @Wolffkran
Only because the DC politicians allow it to happen. You get people with nationalist tendencies in who are willing to actually do things and that's gone in very short order.
I just don't expect to see such people in positions of power this side of a collapse.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:50:08 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@AmericanChampion @synapsid @Ghislaine Recruitment age is lower than 18, most of the time you need shiftless kids 15-17 who don’t have any irons in the fire. Once they have plans, good luck getting them to sign a contract
Ame ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 09:50:09 JST Ame
@WashedOutGundamPilot @synapsid @Ghislaine Audience was about 40% 18-34, 60% male, 66% White. -
BroDrillard ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 13:13:57 JST BroDrillard
>At least the russians are slower in their metastasis of globohomo…though in time they’ll pick up the same tune as the west, I suspect.
Recent happenings hardened anti-western, anti-globohomo attitudes in Russia a lot, I suspect. Notice how Putin promotes the orthodox church.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 13:15:45 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@BroDrillard @Reluctant_Weeb @synapsid @Ghislaine @Twoinchdestroya @Wolffkran @deprecated_ii @mmmfeet That’s why I would lean in their direction. Still, I think in due time they’ll prove to be jewish thralls just like every other national head. They spent YEARS under a ZOG yoke all their own, that’s indelibly carved itself into their psyche.
no matter how traditional right now, I don’t think it will last a century without them attempting to Kalergi the white populations for one reason or another. They won’t be as overtly loathesome as the hysterics overseeing us, but the effect will still be corrosive to our people
sapphire ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 13:19:11 JST sapphire
@skylar @Reluctant_Weeb @synapsid @Ghislaine @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Wolffkran @deprecated_ii @mmmfeet the Chinese still have a chance here. While warlord chuck is fighting me the Chinese can throw bodies at both of us til we’re gone and they’re more than willing to do it -
d ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 13:19:12 JST d
@Twoinchdestroya @Reluctant_Weeb @WashedOutGundamPilot @synapsid @Ghislaine @Wolffkran @mmmfeet that's only happening because the current rulers don't give a shit
china has no hard power here and never will -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 13:19:12 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@deprecated_ii @Reluctant_Weeb @synapsid @Ghislaine @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Wolffkran @mmmfeet
>be a chinese
>buy most of the farm land in a county
>ZOG even partially collapses
>it's immediately seized by local warlord King Chuck the Drunkard and distributed to his top men
>you'd have to fight a ground war through a thousand miles of a 2^16 sided bloodbath of ethnic resentment to reclaim it:gura_sus: 1e+6 litres :flag_china: likes this. -
PoalackJokes88 ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 13:19:37 JST PoalackJokes88
@sapphire @skylar @Reluctant_Weeb @synapsid @Ghislaine @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Wolffkran @deprecated_ii @mmmfeet I don't think they can get the Chinese to launch themselves at us because they're all only-childs (and somewhat older) over there. Their parents will be constantly telling them not to get killed so they can live to take care of them. If they fight they'll fight even more timidly than the Russians, staying back and launching missiles... but at the end of a logistical tail that crosses the Pacific ocean. -
Holly Jolly D-Droid ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 13:20:39 JST Holly Jolly D-Droid
@Reluctant_Weeb @Ghislaine @synapsid @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Wolffkran @mmmfeet >They're literally being invaded
You know how you survive invasion? You persist, even under occupation.
The Taliban didn't send all it's men to die in wave after wave against superior US firepower. They endured and survived the occupation.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: ('s status on Saturday, 10-Jun-2023 22:39:41 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@sapphire @Reluctant_Weeb @synapsid @Ghislaine @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Wolffkran @deprecated_ii @mmmfeet one chinese woman driver could run over you, me, and king chuck in an afternoon :gura_sus: 1e+6 litres :flag_china: likes this. -
Griffith ('s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2023 00:20:20 JST Griffith
@Boomerman @Reluctant_Weeb @synapsid @Ghislaine @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Wolffkran @mmmfeet Ukraine used to have 40 million people, they have maybe 30 million now, probably less.
Most young people who could leave, did.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Дистругъторул де чори ('s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2023 00:20:36 JST Дистругъторул де чори
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Ghislaine "at that point, her anger for draft dodgers had peaked."
Why isn't she at war then? Men and holes are "equal" after all. These jewish movies showed me that 1 girlboss is worth at least 100 men. She should go and show that to the world!Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2023 00:21:36 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@FruitpilledPeachcel @Ghislaine Love how she’s been more than equal in her IT job for years (while undoubtedly being only partially as effective) but NOW wants to have her traditionalism cake & eat it too.
Sorry lady, I’m not throwing my health away to protect your HR-lady way of life
Lichelord Godfrey ('s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2023 05:23:13 JST Lichelord Godfrey
@mmmfeet @deprecated_ii @Twoinchdestroya @Reluctant_Weeb @WashedOutGundamPilot @synapsid @Ghislaine @Wolffkran I don’t think they want to be “junior partners” to jews at all. They’re not signaling that.
They wanted to take advantage of jewish wealth, couldn’t, and significant jewish funds have moved out of China (like Blackrock) in response.
They may be an insectoid society but they’ve a longer time horizon and will just wait. Their demography problem won’t be dire for the next ~50 years because they’ll just urbanize more rural folk.
In spite of their partnership with Israel with the Belt & Road Initiative, they’re applying pressure to the country (alongside Russia and Iran) anyway, to get the US to back off.
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2023 05:23:13 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@lichelordgodfrey @mmmfeet @deprecated_ii @Twoinchdestroya @Reluctant_Weeb @synapsid @Ghislaine @Wolffkran Unlike us, it’s harder for a subversive to get up and say “My fellow chinks,”
mmmfeet ('s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2023 05:23:14 JST mmmfeet
@deprecated_ii @Twoinchdestroya @Reluctant_Weeb @WashedOutGundamPilot @synapsid @Ghislaine @Wolffkran I think at most they might become junior partners to jews, like the wealthy Norman families that used to rule the continent. It only struck me recently that the same network of oligarch families ruled over both America and Canada for the past couple hundred years. First Normans were senior partners to jews, now it's flipped