@TN In my opinion, Sea Spider is worse. Balteus was not that bad, and I was using a close range build in a light frame. On the run I beat him, I only got hit by the flame swords twice because I lost track of my energy a few times. I guess Sea Spider vs close/light is just a terrible match up, because it just has so much garbage that can chunk you. The instant I swapped to a hover and suppressive fire build I beat it first try after struggling for a few hours :reimu_sigh: . No mission has given me tremendous trouble except for Sea Spider. @deVoid
Looking at my replays from tonight, I have 7 double frag moments (one frag grenade yielding 2 kills). Despite 3 or 4 kills being far more wow-inducing, the fact that I got 7 moments over a match I joined half way is quite astounding. People move so quickly that catching overlaps is actually somewhat difficult, even if it's frequent.
Of the 7, two were post-mortem double kills. One I threw the grenade and it blew up after I died, and one I didn't throw and where it landed killed two players. Neat!
These are two of my favorite clips of the night where the double frag is followed up by another shot. Sadly in the first clip I missed the second guy. Would've been sick to walk out with a quadruple kill :akko_weary:
@Suzu Samsung made that girl Sam as a mascot recently, didn't they? I wonder if she's any relevant anymore. Perhaps they can follow Opera's trend and make use of her that way. @MoeBritannica
@RealAkoSuminoe I'm thinking back to when I was programming a pseudo physics engine in Unity when I was making a platforming game prototype. Each number in an operation had a meaning, and I knew how the operations would need to be done.
If the contentious expression was in the context of an actual problem, it could have been formulated according to the problem requirement of: "X divided by twice the sum of Y and Z." Now the numbers have meaning, and this expression is much more clear. But in another context it could be "half A times the sum of B and C," and we would just put parentheses to distinguish it as such. 6/(2(1+2)) vs (6/2)(1+2).
In a short amount of time you have rectified my arrogant outlook on the problem back to where I originally was on ambiguity, so I thank you for that :nana_thumb:
@RealAkoSuminoe Yeah this is very fair, I'm reading more and I haven't been able to recall nor find any literature on implicit multiplication laws. Is the 2 bound to the parenthesis? Where did that concept come from, and why do I think that? Because 6/2(3)... well, that would yield 9. So in a way I myself have rewritten the problem to be interpreted in the way I wanted it to be.
I started at either 9 or 1, to it's definitely 1, but now I'm starting to get confused again. Haha, such is the folly of hubris. The truth is that this expression simply SUCKS.
This is also why we just get redundant with parentheses to ensure maximum clarity. When I was in Calc 3 I used parentheses exhaustively for even simple expressions, and a few classmates would cause problems for themselves during evaluation steps and the error would propagate. The big problem with 6/2(1+2) is that none of the numbers have any meaning, so what even is the point of evaluating it?
Still, it was fun to make the infographic supporting the answer is 1. Thanks a lot for your input.
@deprecated_ii I HAD TO EDIT A TYPO :zt_scream: I am clearly not professional yet. I spent too much time on this. Being an artist, autist, and a programmer has its perks though.
Have fun. I now have it at the ready in case I need to just quickly copy pasta when the convo appears again :konata_yawn:
@deprecated_ii Oh I love this conversation, we had it before! Yes it's 1, but... just wanted to make a little correction: even software that evaluates blindly left to right is correct, simply by virtue of the way lexers work. Here, "EXP" means "Expression," so the calculator's software still works correctly. The calculator then terminates the sequence because there is nothing after the last closed-parenthesis. Then you evaluate this bottom up, dividing 6 by 6 to get 1. :towa_thumb:
But yes, to really settle this tired old nonsense, you simply need to turn everything into variables and find that the distributive property is what decisively makes this expression evaluate into 1.
@rlier23 I agree, I could not find the will to draw any NTR, precisely because I absolutely despise it. It doesn't make me feel good so I would (politely) decline NTR commissions.
Though, I would have established myself as wholesome and horny so hopefully none of those come my way. It helps to establish your territory. @Giganova8
@Giganova8 Yeah idk. I don't know if she had established herself as an NSFW-capable individual on the side, like a thing the "inside fans" know about. I do agree with you that she should have considered whether to take the comm or not since her name is tied to her business. It's unfortunate but association is something to take into consideration carefully.
It's like, if one day I wanted to do kid's stories/cartoons. I would have to take a pen name or make it clear that my past in NSFW works is behind me. Adopt a new identity or establish the association. Branding is a thing in business, after all... I think she totally shot her branding in the foot. It's like the idol biz where the girls have to stay as pure as possible; association and branding is important to the audience. @rlier23
@Giganova8 On one hand, it was client's order. On the other hand, she agreed to it. Haah... do I take the business angle or the moral angle? Honestly I have no idea.
Ultimately, I do not approve of going after the artist. :lain_sad: @rlier23