@Tony @MischievousuTomatosu @rees @matty @bot @Hoss @coolboymew @RustyCrab @ringo My dream during my golden years is to open up a cafe that puts employees first:
-Liveable wage.
-Actual benefits, including paternal leave and permanent PTO hours that stick and build based on hours worked and never dissipate (you want to build up for a year and take half the year off, go crazy).
-Any food or drink that’s prepared is prepared from scratch*
-*on a small menu of items using equipment that is simple and easy to clean
-Prep shift, morning shift, evening shift, and cleaning shift.
-Employees can spit in the food as long as the customers’ rudeness and impudence (along with the final reaction) are recorded for the manager to review.
-Closed during all holidays. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. Any product that is stored that expires over the holidays is gifted to employees.
-Etc, I’m still putting the ideas together logistically.