Notices by haberdasher (
haberdasher ('s status on Wednesday, 01-Jan-2025 10:34:19 JST haberdasher @PraxisOfEvil @ArdainianRight @Hoss Niggers have always been with us -- in the sense that everybody born in North America after, say, 1750, has co-existed with nogs. They shouldn't be here, they never should have been brought here, and they should have been sent home when we had the chance. But nevertheless, they're here too.
Squatemalans have always been here, too. Okay, fine, they were here before Whites. But White Men of Yore conquered the squatemalans. The ones who are alive today should thank their winged-snake gods that they weren't eradicated. (Same applies to chugs.) But again, they're here (but we should not tolerate them north of the Tropic of Cancer).
East Asians have their own stories. Blah blah blah Chinese built the transcontinental railroad blah blah blah. W AmeriKaland nuked Japan twice. Korean War and Vietnam War. East Asians at least are the least numerous of all non-Whites and by and large their cultures are the least dissimilar from ours, so their presence is the least irksome. That said, stop letting Chinese into our most politically/technologically/militarily sensititive facilities, FFS.
But street-shitters? Of all non-Whites, street-shitters have no claim to be anywhere in North America (or South America for that matter). The cuckening of the British Empire started when the leash was loosened on these coprophages, and now their literal shit plague is being unleashed. Street-shitters are the living embodiment of the 'smallpox blankets' that we've all been told White pioneers gave to chugs. If we don't resist Indians now, then in a half-century (or less) we'll have White children -- the few who remain -- who literally cannot comprehend that the western half of the planet wasn't covered in human shit.
> now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get completely drunk for NYE (lol but i dont drink lol) -
haberdasher ('s status on Tuesday, 31-Dec-2024 09:51:41 JST haberdasher @ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight even the lowest social stratum White Person is still superior to the highest-caste street-shitter, and they know it. -
haberdasher ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Dec-2024 07:37:10 JST haberdasher @TrevorGoodchild @monsterislandcolonizer The only 'tragedy' in this case is that Brian Thompson was White. It would have been 'better' for the CEO of UnitedHealthcare to be a kike, a streetshitter, or some gook-oid -- to drive home the "THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU" point. -
haberdasher ('s status on Tuesday, 05-Nov-2024 01:30:29 JST haberdasher @judgedread @HockeyDoxie > im surprised how subdued the 'first woman president' memes are.
too bad Hillary didn't usurp the Kamala-Koup; it would be so great to see her lose twice.
a street-shittess just isn't a worthy consolation prize for Hillary. -
haberdasher ('s status on Friday, 25-Oct-2024 01:26:49 JST haberdasher @judgedread I still got that episode saved on my phone -
haberdasher ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 12:52:29 JST haberdasher @ArdainianRight I don't know if I have the stomach to watch these xems and xers be hanged-drawn-and-quartered on national television, but hopefully my hatred for them will make up for my weakness to gore. -
haberdasher ('s status on Tuesday, 24-Sep-2024 21:29:43 JST haberdasher @PraxisOfEvil @MeBigbrain they're still going to demand their Social Security checks because "THAT'S MY MONEY I PAID INTO THE SYSTEM!!!!!!" -
haberdasher ('s status on Tuesday, 24-Sep-2024 21:29:42 JST haberdasher @PraxisOfEvil @MeBigbrain if (non-Boomer) White Men are finally permitted to assume the rightful roles in society (keeping the lights on, and the water flowing) perhaps not. However, if maintaining critical infrastructure is delegated to the jeets ... then I think the collapse is very real.
> anecdotally, I was just hearing today about the state of Costcos in western Canada (US border area), from coworkers who were there recently. this is all secondhand information, but apparently it is not uncommon for products at Costco to just be left on pallets in a mostly disorganized fashion. all because of the flood of jeets to these areas and how they participate in "the market". maintaining an orderly wholesaler shopping experience is just a waste of effort, apparently. -
haberdasher ('s status on Tuesday, 24-Sep-2024 21:29:42 JST haberdasher @PraxisOfEvil @MeBigbrain Im not sure. If Boomers flee the country, then maybe we can finally get the c-c-c-collapse going for real. -
haberdasher ('s status on Monday, 02-Sep-2024 02:49:40 JST haberdasher @givenup @WashedOutGundamPilot "IM HERE FOR THE 'AMERICAN DREAM' NOW THAT THE EVIL COLONIZERS DID ALL THE HEAVY LIFTING"
> every single shithole nation that still struggles to maintain an electrical grid and potable water -
haberdasher ('s status on Wednesday, 28-Aug-2024 09:06:20 JST haberdasher This is so fucking hilarious. There absolutely have to be executive kikes and kikesuckers at these conglomerates who absolutely want to ban any nigger from their storefronts ... but they can't. -
haberdasher ('s status on Saturday, 17-Aug-2024 23:43:11 JST haberdasher anybody know of a deep dive on Pol Pot / Khmer Rouge but they'd recommend? all I know is what little I was told in public schooling, which if I was to review those lessons from back then -- now -- I expect to be a bunch of garbage about how the Khmer Rouge executed mathematicians, physicists, physician, and anybody else literate at a college level.
my guess is that is not at all true and the types that Pol Pot executed we're more akin to soyfags, journalists, and other useless bourgeoisie that provide no benefit to society. -
haberdasher ('s status on Saturday, 03-Aug-2024 04:13:35 JST haberdasher @sapphire @Dudebro @Griffith @matty @internetfreak @Hoss > "You Cant Take it With You (But You Can Sure as Shit Not Leave it For Your Progeny)" -
haberdasher ('s status on Saturday, 03-Aug-2024 04:12:55 JST haberdasher @Dudebro @internetfreak @Griffith @matty @Hoss Boomers will spend $85,000 on a brand new Lincoln Townecar that they'll drive <10,000 miles before they die before they even consider helping their progeny with a down payment for a house. \o/
> kinda wish I was from an Old Money family just so I could LMAO at retarded peasants who refuse to understand the first step of building familial/generational wealth. -
haberdasher ('s status on Tuesday, 23-Jul-2024 11:31:42 JST haberdasher @ArdainianRight Jill Biden isn't a very accomplished necromancer. -
haberdasher ('s status on Monday, 22-Jul-2024 04:10:48 JST haberdasher @judgedread @Hertz but the egos! Hillary! Stacy Abrams!
Team White Hags against Team Ebony Kwangs! -
haberdasher ('s status on Friday, 19-Jul-2024 01:46:38 JST haberdasher @ArdainianRight I had this exact conversation with one of my Boomer units this morning. In addition, my Boomers were completely enamored with that satantic mulatto OnlyFans whore.
> anything and everything is better than another four years of Joe Brandon aka BARACK OBAMA'S FOURTH TERM, Im told. -
haberdasher ('s status on Friday, 12-Jul-2024 23:27:58 JST haberdasher @MechaSilvio I'd be happy to make half that much at my email job. -
haberdasher ('s status on Monday, 01-Jul-2024 06:29:25 JST haberdasher @Hoss not exactly, my mother is a "Rush Limbaugh Republican Boomer".
I've tried explaining that more "culture" in low-pop red states just means more transfaggot parades and nigger crime. -
haberdasher ('s status on Monday, 01-Jul-2024 06:29:17 JST haberdasher @Hoss > I move out of Poz-cific Coast to low-pop red state.
> mother moves out of blue state to same low-pop red state.
> I appreciate not having transfaggot clinics and niggerball stadiums.
> mother complains that people of said low-pop red state lack culture and need to act more modern.
> mother also complains about Californians invading other (red) states and ruining them.