Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 12:34:14 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
People are dying because these depraved fucks consider their lives to be less valuable. What's worse is how pitiful the response from Boomers is. THEY ARE KILLING US! IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO JUST "FIRE" OR "IMPEACH" THESE BASTARDS! -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 12:47:19 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@Quentel @Humpleupagus
We're seeing it in action right now. -
🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘 ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 12:47:20 JST 🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘
> That's my cat
Oof -
Quentel ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 12:47:20 JST Quentel
They're going down a dark road with 'disaster equity'.
haberdasher ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 12:52:29 JST haberdasher
@ArdainianRight I don't know if I have the stomach to watch these xems and xers be hanged-drawn-and-quartered on national television, but hopefully my hatred for them will make up for my weakness to gore. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘 ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 13:09:50 JST 🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘
I think there's a reason they're trying to distinguish equity from equality, it's so they can put judges in who will split hairs on existing case law and decide that equity doesn't violate Am. V or Am. XIV re due process / equal protection, and therfore, only rational basis should apply. -
Quentel ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 13:09:50 JST Quentel
That's a dark thought. Pure unrestrained state-level power that could be traded like a commodity.
🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘 ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 13:09:58 JST 🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘
From time to time over the last few decades, Thomas has actually opined on something similar. He basically says that minority status is something people will just vote themselves into. So the majority will declare themselves victims and get all of the benefits of state resources while billing the minority for it.
We all know what happens after that. Collapse. -
SledDrudge ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 13:11:01 JST SledDrudge
These people earn more money than many of us... -
Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 13:11:01 JST Sweetie_Squad_Liquidator
@JedDrudge @ArdainianRight Throughout history these degenerates have been purged. The Soviets did it in 1936, the Germans did it in 1934, Iran did it in 1979, history repeating itself is unavoidable. We will be wasting no time using all manner of modern bureaucratic and technological advances to purge their real or perceived political enemies. In a political purge, states or elites in power use military and police forces to remove people they consider disloyal, dangerous, or otherwise undesirable from influential positions in government or the economy, or from society as a whole. The armed forces conducting purges may be loyal to a national government, an occupying power, or a political movement trying to replace the government. Political purges, which can be peaceful or violent, can result in simple removal from office, imprisonment, exile, or death of members of political organizations or governments, or adherents of political ideologies. Another form of removal of undesirables from state or society is genocide. While a state or dominant group that engages in genocide might have political motives, its victims share communal traits such as nationality, ethnicity, race, or religion. They're days are numbered, they know we have just had about enough of their bullshit. I could list it but this post has gone on enough. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
SledDrudge ('s status on Monday, 07-Oct-2024 13:13:05 JST SledDrudge
These may be more of those interesting times... Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this.