Notices by hazlin no plap pirate (, page 6
@bleedingphoenix @Turdicus
I hope notch sees this, and regrets everything
@Inginsub cc @gabriel You should consider reading them.
And, for anyone else considering RUST, you should read it as well.
The aspects listed in that blog, reveal a language that adds extra burden to the programmer. And, causes complexity, or rather, intractability to increase with project size.
In English, that means that RUST is designed to cause project failure.
You are right on the money with this one.
And, I'll add to it, that white people hate each other more than any other group of people.
It is tempting to think that people are just holding back here online, because their fear the identity being exposed or something.
But, that is just an excuse. The reality is, I tried much harder to build a community IRL than I did on fedi over the last 2 years, and the people IRL were just as guarded and kept just as much distance.
In a lot of ways the people IRL were worse.
There is doom on the horizon, and for some fucking reason, white people want to ride into it alone xD
The whole thing has really caused me to re-evaluate my purposes in life. To love those who value my relationship... is as much as I've got at the moment.
And, maybe I'll eventually be able to accept watching those who keep their distance be devoured and tormented by lies. They seems determined to keep anyone from helping them, so maybe I should just laugh at them instead.
During the week of Jesus' crucifixion, He lived all of His hard teaching given at the sermon-on-the-mount.
And, during that tormenting time, God's help was withheld from Him. This was for our sake.
For when God raised Jesus from the dead in victory, Jesus raised with a special privilege.
That He may take for Himself any man or every man that walks or has walked upon the Earth. That such a man would belong to Him there after. And, that man would no longer be satan's.
Jesus set forth a condition that, He would only claim those who would believe. That is believe that He had suffered and died, that God's help had been withheld from Him, so that He could claim them, and help them.
Jesus, the living deliverer, God's helper to man, watches over the Earth. Not to punish or reward people to train them to do better. No, He gives men a lot of freedom to live and do as they desire.
What Jesus is looking for, are people who want Him. Those who give their life to Him, surely they will not be disappointed. Surely, they will not be put to shame.
Jesus is returning soon, and all things will be made right.
@MK2boogaloo @MeBigbrain @mushroom_soup
I don't have anything against nation building, just against fun ruining
@MeBigbrain @mushroom_soup
If they had a chad DM, then they would have been punished for their non-sense xD
This honestly shocked me today lol
@gabriel Starting nationality does not matter. Getting your citizenship changed to Jesus' kingdom is all that matters.
@p a classy pairing of weapons
@MK2boogaloo @p
An excellent sword. Too bad it never gets the killing potential it deserves in video games.
@MK2boogaloo @p
I was thinking about a sword as well. But, there are so many different kinds. If the answer is a sword, than which kind?
How about you, what kind of sword do you prefer?
@p are there any melee weapons you like as much as you like revolvers for ranged weapons?
@bobbala @zeke @KingOfWhiteAmerica the fate of all legalisms is to redefine, and reinterpret, until their actions please God.
@zeke @bobbala @KingOfWhiteAmerica
> why do they not at all fit the criteria laid out by the Covenant Promises detailing God's then present and future plans for the Israelites?
though the promises were made long ago, they live now, as they did in the Bible, in rebellion to God.
There is no difference between white people and the modern day jews. Sure, they would like there to be one. But, their role was to carry an unbroken knowledge of who their God is, such was told about the House of Judea.
While the House of Israel was forced to lose their identity for a time. That white people and jews will be reunited as a nation, will surely offend people around here, but that is what is written. All the tribes back together again. But, under Christ this time.
@agaperealm @bobbala @zeke @KingOfWhiteAmerica
> the high moral standards required by Christ and Christianity
Is not the Gospel, but is legalism which is death.
You ever have a relationship that you want to keep, but it is just such a chore?
That is what all this traditional Christianity does, to anyone trying to befriend Jesus.
@sapphire @professionalbigot69
> Its 2 AM
> People are posting pictures about the games they are playing
> Kero is complaining about his girlboss
> Graf "You retards are such a heavy burden to me, unable to sleep, I am just sitting here staring into nothing."
There is competition for the darkest presence on the fedi TL at any one time, but that shit is some of the worst.
The modern Christian blames everyone outside of "their group".
They say, "because of [this wrong] of the majority that we are under judgement!".
But, they forget, in the Bible, that often many are saved, because of a few.
Their since of fairness and equity, leads them to believe that the fundamental nature of the world is a democracy. But, it isn't, the many are ALWAYS saved by the few.
This quest to save the nation, by converting, or correcting the majority is nothing short of an admission of guilt. An admission to the very sin that cause all of these judgements we see around us.
Cause and effect.
I can see that most Christians have these out of order.
Wide spread abortions is judgement from God.
All my life, people have been "fighting" it.
But, they were no more successful than Jeremiah's grandson at fighting God's judgement.
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