During the week of Jesus' crucifixion, He lived all of His hard teaching given at the sermon-on-the-mount.
And, during that tormenting time, God's help was withheld from Him. This was for our sake.
For when God raised Jesus from the dead in victory, Jesus raised with a special privilege.
That He may take for Himself any man or every man that walks or has walked upon the Earth. That such a man would belong to Him there after. And, that man would no longer be satan's.
Jesus set forth a condition that, He would only claim those who would believe. That is believe that He had suffered and died, that God's help had been withheld from Him, so that He could claim them, and help them.
Jesus, the living deliverer, God's helper to man, watches over the Earth. Not to punish or reward people to train them to do better. No, He gives men a lot of freedom to live and do as they desire.
What Jesus is looking for, are people who want Him. Those who give their life to Him, surely they will not be disappointed. Surely, they will not be put to shame.
Jesus is returning soon, and all things will be made right.