@gentoobro@Hoss@Nudhul@hfaust@mangeurdenuage@mrsaturday@sun "Nah bro this ONE time? My guy got through the Anything Proof Shield. Like for SURE dude, it would happen again, and that's why my guy is the strongest." Come on, this is fanfiction at this point. No political party today is going to pull shit like this, which is what makes the judicial the strongest branch.
@gentoobro@Hoss@Nudhul@hfaust@mangeurdenuage@mrsaturday@sun Yeah for sure one rogue judge getting iced is the same as the exec telling them wholesale to fuck off. And Obummer just shopped courts dude, he didn't get out from under their power.
@sapphire@matty@backrooms-entity You know what? You actually convinced me to drop tittyverse entirely. I was on the fence and willing to give it a couple of weeks to see if I could find girls with huge slobberknockers and for the tities among all the noise. Thinking it through there is no booba, there’s only flat and it’s not worth the effort. I would unironically be better off on Pornhub despite the heavy censorship. I can’t stand the lolis and I can’t stand tranny childrens thinking it’s funny to spam posterboards. Hopefully we’ll get a better alternative where adults can talk about things without children trying to report my breastposting to myself. I doubt it and those children will be responsible when things continue to get worse and their stupid antics crippled any attempt to create a fat milker future. Get fucked Fediverse. You’re a bunch of homosexuals.
1. Close the FUCKING BORDER. 2. Break up the large renting concerns. 3. Castrate AirBNB 4. Increase viable asset classes, get these fucking boomers to put money in something that isn't their houses.
@All_bonesJones@coolboymew Almost all the gripes I have are QOL gripes, that I'm sure either will get modded, or fixed. The three things that do need more focus: 1. Better automation flow. Extraction from workbenches. 2. Job scheduling. Priorities over assigning one pal to one bench are needed pretty bad. 3. Caravan, or some other kind of inter-base resource transport network. Limited space is a pain in the dick to deal with already. When I have to spawn the same 3 buildings at each base to make them "viable", it's pretty painful.