@mntmn@theawesomerandomness Can't come soon enough. There's a short somewhere in my 2.0 board causing the barrel jack to heat up and come unsoldered. After the 5th time reflowing connectors for the barrel jack I glued it down. Which was a mistake that let out some magic smoke.
@mntmn Found out the lockup issue with gnome was the "burn my windows" extension. Makes sense as it adds fancy effects to window animations and I only had issues when closing windows. Never tried it on earlier SoMs as I didn't want to add overhead with effects.
@mntmn I've been having issues with gnome on the rk3588 both pocket and classic. Occasionally when closing a window it just freezes. Sometimes it unfreezes and continues after 10 seconds, usually it's a hard reboot. Other than that it's been awesome on rk3588 and my reforms.
@mntmn@joeturner It would be nice to have some spare key caps printed up in different sizes. I swapped hyper key to Ctrl and ... to hyper but would like to have labels match but those keys are all different sizes. I'll take a poll on the forum to see if there's a desire for that.
@mntmn Yeah it's a bit of a rough start but starts to get good season 2-3 and by the end you'll curse them for ending it early. It was setting up season 5 to be great.
Like all trek it has some stinker episodes and some truly great ones.
The theme song changes for season 3, but only makes it a little more up tempo. Still awful. Best intro is still VOY.
@mntmn My old Plasma TV had a clean function I ran every so often that got rid of any artifacts/ghosting. Basically just a white bar on a black background that swept across the screen for 15 minutes.
@mntmn@holo_memory From US I think I use "thumb drive" most often or just "USB drive" but that is more vague. I think "USB stick" must come from them being just about the same size as a stick of gum. Why we call a piece of gun a stick is beyond me.
@mntmn@mitscherdinger@gsora As what always happens when I preorder stuff, that timeline means it's inevitable that my rcore module and pocket reform arrive on the same day and I won't know which to play with first.