Notices by PalePimp (, page 2
PalePimp ('s status on Monday, 18-Nov-2024 19:59:41 JST PalePimp
@dcc @charlie_root @Goalkeeper @Volkish_Observer @tyler What you call an OS is a combination of programs, and last time I checked there aren't many alternatives with as many programs and hardware support as Linux.
I'm open to suggestions. -
PalePimp ('s status on Monday, 18-Nov-2024 19:44:55 JST PalePimp
@charlie_root @dcc @Goalkeeper @Volkish_Observer @tyler I used to get upset a lot with changes to some components and procedures, until I started to read the rationale behind some of these changes.
Generally most of these wheel reinvention efforts are for good reasons (except Gnome, they are the spawn of satan)
What is a problem is that sometimes the implementation (*waylan... cough cough) is garbage or wasn't thought properly when it comes to real world implementation and usage.
Some times the implementation is close to being flawless (IE: pipewire replacing pulseaudio) or they have a weird start and turn out great NetworkManager. -
PalePimp ('s status on Monday, 18-Nov-2024 19:07:02 JST PalePimp
@charlie_root @Goalkeeper @Volkish_Observer @tyler Using Linux exclusively since 2011, it works, it is stable and you can produce any stuff with it if you are willing to learn how to.
You need to get into the mindset that you'll have to learn to fix Linux issues, and stop thinking Linux is a 1:1 replacement for Windows. It is its own thing. You're accustomed to fix Windows problems so you do not consider them problems anymore. Same goes for everything.
Adjust your expectations, learn what components give you the functionality you want (IE: need smb support on my file browser I need to install GVFS, etc.) And more importantly, learn the fact that not all hardware is Linux compatible, if a $5 WIFI adaptor is not supported by the standard kernel drivers, put it in the bin and buy one that does. Same goes for everything else. You might think that is bad or retarded and that it costs money, but that is how the world works, you do not complain when you find software in a Mac that only works with Apple hardware and vice-versa don't you?
Learn to backup your system when it works (Trivial on Linux) and it is dead easy to recover from any situation, Linux can always be repaired. I haven't reinstalled a single machine at least since 2019, I just keep restoring the latest backup when I change hardware.
And more importantly you need to accept its limitations, when you replace Windows you aren't replacing Windows alone, you're replacing an entire ecosystem. -
PalePimp ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 00:21:16 JST PalePimp
@matrix Kernighan & Ritchie all the way. -
PalePimp ('s status on Tuesday, 03-Sep-2024 23:42:35 JST PalePimp
@luithe @eee Not gud. :cryspin: -
PalePimp ('s status on Tuesday, 03-Sep-2024 12:04:48 JST PalePimp
@eee No sauce 😭 -
PalePimp ('s status on Wednesday, 07-Aug-2024 06:40:36 JST PalePimp
@Terry -
PalePimp ('s status on Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 03:16:50 JST PalePimp
@gentoobro @John_Darksoul @LordMordred @WashedOutGundamPilot @professionalbigot69 >> Their first major strategic blunder was giving back their nukes
That wasn't a problem, in fact was a relief for everybody, as you say the country is corrupt to the core and they would have been A) unable to maintain the arsenal, and B) they would have sold nukes and nuke tech to the entire world.
The Russians had no problem with Ukraine, they had a problem with encroaching NATO advance and the west CIA meddling on Russian turf.
The lack of nukes are a problem now when Ukraine's government and war is State Department/CIA run. One has to be very naive to believe anybody in the west gives a damn about Ukraine's independence beyond "muh democracy, muh rotchild central bank sponsoring anal sex rights for minors".
>> I honestly don't believe there are many fanatics running things over there or with their allies. They are thieves pretending to be fanatics, which is much worse.
Trust me they have true believers there, it goes back to many centuries, you get these people almost everywhere in Europe, it is a phenomenon similar to the Evangelicals in FUSA. -
PalePimp ('s status on Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 03:16:14 JST PalePimp
@gentoobro @John_Darksoul @LordMordred @WashedOutGundamPilot @professionalbigot69 >> That's 50 to 70 km, or 30 to 50 miles.
Yeah, you are right it is Km and not Miles, I'm brain dead, my head defaults to miles for distance.
>> because they have mountains of "free" cannons and shells laying around from the Soviet buildup, and this is one of the last wars where it will be usable, either due to age or obsolescence.
The Russians still understand war.
They can still manufacture anything from the 50s onwards that makes contemporary sense, not so much in the west where we like to obsolesce things for the sake of selling some other over-engineered thing that might be or not be fit for purpose. The military like any other aspect of western culture has been financialised to talmudic levels of structural incompetence.
Russian engineering philosophy is of absolute common sense first to serve the war effort, rather than "what can improve the bottom line of the MIC" which is nothing but a DEI infested jobs program nowadays.
What they did making FABs seni-guided bombs that can fly giving them wings is short of fantastic. Transforming fleets of obsolete fighter planes into mobile flying missile batteries; again pure common sense.
The first military blunder of the Ukrainians was to let fanatics (on both sides UK/USA & Ukrainian) make strategic decisions, up to this day they claim to run out of ammunition yet they can always spare some to keep firing at civilian populations in the Donbas because they got this genius idea that attacking the civilian populations would somehow weaken their support for Putin and bring regime change, as if Russia is Putin's alone. -
PalePimp ('s status on Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 03:15:59 JST PalePimp
@gentoobro @LordMordred @John_Darksoul @WashedOutGundamPilot @professionalbigot69 While the drone thing is important, don't get too obfuscated with it what is winning the war in the Ukraine is well trained and equipped men and artillery. You see plenty of drone footage because the Ukrainians do not have much else to show and they love their propaganda shots, in the end drones cause limited amount of damage. Don't get me wrong they are dangerous, but not the main danger themselves.
Where the drones are exceedingly dangerous is not as an anti-tank or anti-personnel but as part of a surveillance and tracking toolset, drones are used to track targets in a radius of 25-30 miles and the tracking is being used to fire heavy artillery guns that are 50 and 75 miles away from the target. And if that isn't bad enough the Russians are firing missiles from air-planes beyond the horizon 200, 300 and even 500 miles away that is nuts and they are perfecting it almost to an art.
I'll see if I can find a video about it, I've seen many but were not easily downloadable. -
PalePimp ('s status on Saturday, 18-May-2024 14:09:51 JST PalePimp
@gentoobro @AmericanChampion @synapsid @EdBoatConnoisseur @PopulistRight @PraxisOfEvil Obviously Trump is not a saviour, and I have serious doubts they will let him get back on the white house.
There is no stopping the collapse, but man at least enjoy the seething he causes, few people can give a finger to the establishment like he does.
But yes, I do not think he would be able to accomplish much of significance, he's no Cesar, just another creature of the system, whether the system likes him or not. All he can achieve is at best slow down the unavoidable. -
PalePimp ('s status on Sunday, 05-May-2024 11:50:37 JST PalePimp
Poor chinks, all so Sony can ban people for saying the word "nigger" or "faggot" and to be able to sell LGBTQ Capes during pride next month. 🤣 -
PalePimp ('s status on Thursday, 28-Mar-2024 01:21:03 JST PalePimp
What I love the most about Clown world "its transparency". -
PalePimp ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 08:03:25 JST PalePimp
@WashedOutGundamPilot At this rate there will not be an Ukraine left. -
PalePimp ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Feb-2024 05:20:44 JST PalePimp
With Jews you lose. -
PalePimp ('s status on Saturday, 10-Feb-2024 03:34:58 JST PalePimp
@Paulyfrog64 I can only offer you this words of advise:
"Stop coonsooming"
I understand, I really do, this is like getting used to eating healthy and not eating fast food and goyslop, it is hard to make new habits and takes time, but once you do, there is no going back, I stopped watching all western media, if I watch something nowadays is either some anime, some interesting documentary or videos that non-affiliated people make online, or some classic movie not pozzed. Once you develop the habit of not watching the west's MSM your mind reaches levels of clarity and will find honest entertainment elsewhere.
Getting out of the loop of the MSM is one of the best things I've done in my life and did wonders for the people close to me. -
PalePimp ('s status on Monday, 05-Feb-2024 10:30:41 JST PalePimp
@Jim Fuck Microsoft, they poisoned the gaming industry with microtransactions (they literaly invented and promoted them) and they screwed the market with their crazy consolidation (Monopoly tactics) and now they're turning their games service into a netflix/disneypus shovelware subscription. They can fuck off. -
PalePimp ('s status on Wednesday, 24-Jan-2024 09:17:29 JST PalePimp
@Paulyfrog64 @Zerglingman Clashes between the Fed and states and disobedience, yes, widespread hot violent civil war no. In history every single time there has been a hot civil war it begins in earnest the moment the army splits in two. Any serious hot boogaloo requires this factor. And for an army to split the country's elites need to have a serious disagreement first. (Meaning some elites want to take all the other elites have)
Don't despair, we'll get there eventually, it just takes a lot more years of blatant political corruption, societal deterioration and general impoverishment. -
PalePimp ('s status on Monday, 22-Jan-2024 12:27:22 JST PalePimp
@Old_Meme_Clown Excellent. This reminds me of the time I took a screenshot of my screens at work and set it as the screensaver, everybody thought my computer was unlocked and tried to use it when I was away. -
PalePimp ('s status on Sunday, 19-Nov-2023 01:45:12 JST PalePimp
@Zerglingman @jeffcliff @Jonaschuzzlewit @Silverwolf >> I ended the pandemic years ago.
Kudos, you have my most sincere appreciation.