PalePimp ('s status on Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 03:15:59 JST PalePimp
@gentoobro @LordMordred @John_Darksoul @WashedOutGundamPilot @professionalbigot69 While the drone thing is important, don't get too obfuscated with it what is winning the war in the Ukraine is well trained and equipped men and artillery. You see plenty of drone footage because the Ukrainians do not have much else to show and they love their propaganda shots, in the end drones cause limited amount of damage. Don't get me wrong they are dangerous, but not the main danger themselves.
Where the drones are exceedingly dangerous is not as an anti-tank or anti-personnel but as part of a surveillance and tracking toolset, drones are used to track targets in a radius of 25-30 miles and the tracking is being used to fire heavy artillery guns that are 50 and 75 miles away from the target. And if that isn't bad enough the Russians are firing missiles from air-planes beyond the horizon 200, 300 and even 500 miles away that is nuts and they are perfecting it almost to an art.
I'll see if I can find a video about it, I've seen many but were not easily downloadable.