Notices by PopulistRight (
PopulistRight ('s status on Saturday, 26-Oct-2024 01:31:13 JST PopulistRight
@ArdainianRight It's both parties, which support this: -
PopulistRight ('s status on Tuesday, 03-Sep-2024 04:46:36 JST PopulistRight
@sickburnbro You did catch that caveat - "with Trump's support" - right?
This is another backhander for a grift-payment - this time from Big-Ag - like he got out of Big-Pharma using RFK-Jr's "Childhood Vaccine Harm Commission" the last time - torpedoed during the "transition," right after the $1M donation-check from Pfizer cleared (and lots more from other-related medical-interests).
RFK-Jr doesn't seem to realize that trying to get all this stuff out there and "documented" in-advance doesn't make any difference. Trump can fire him from whatever position, call him a "left-wing nut," and Trumpsters will go back to hating and smearing him as "betraying Trump," without a hint of cognitive dissonance.
We have hours and hours of rally-footage from 2015 and 2016 of Trump saying what he was going to do - from his own mouth. Yet he trashed it all under Fake-Russiagate cover. Those betrayals cost him 2020 ("close enough to steal"), but as a lame-duck, Trump won't have to worry about that, next time. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Saturday, 03-Aug-2024 12:30:16 JST PopulistRight
@PraxisOfEvil @ArdainianRight The other 1/2 of Americans think Trump would "crack down on Black Crime," and is "on their side" against the "Will Work Cheeeeper" 3rd World hordes he supports, and "wants peace" - which is just as insane. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Friday, 02-Aug-2024 15:32:28 JST PopulistRight
@PraxisOfEvil Trump during the 2020 Riots (below)
... and AFTER that, he attacked Biden in the 2020 debate for being too "hard" on Violent Black Thugs, pushed a "Platinum Plan" $1/2 Trillion Robbery of Whites to REWARD Black-Terror, and bragged about his early-release program, to get more Whites beaten/raped/robbed/killed by Blacks.
Then, this campaign, he gleefully accepted the "endorsement" of the head of the "BLM-Militia" Terrorist organization. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Tuesday, 23-Jul-2024 10:29:08 JST PopulistRight
@Remi @Pvt_Property @WashedOutGundamPilot @professionalbigot69 This should be illegal by existing state-statues everywhere but Nevada. Unfortunately, it is not being prosecuted. In Nevada, it is illegal in Las Vegas. If they won't make prostitution illegal (best outcome), the state of NV could at least pass a law requiring a 7-day waiting period between a financial offer, and any filmed prostitution activity. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Saturday, 13-Jul-2024 07:25:30 JST PopulistRight
@sickburnbro That poll is why DeSantis should have been the R-nominee - plus his other positions which are the conservative wish-list personified - and actual accomplishments on all those as Gov.
But, Rs who will answer the poll that way, will vote for Mr "Immigration in the LARGEST NUMBERS EVER" (SOTU speech 2019), because most people are idiots, who didn't follow Trump's policy-positions / reversals as POTUS. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Monday, 01-Jul-2024 04:56:20 JST PopulistRight
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Constantine2nd @john_rando @Ghislaine @Waldbrand Trump pretended to be on our side, then stabbed us in the back on literally everything we voted for - did the OPPOSITE of what he promised - then ran the Plandemocide massacre and Trumpcine mass-murder scheme tag-team with Biden.
Trump was a Pied Piper - that was his function. Today, even with piles of bodies at the bottom of the cliff, people are still following his lead to the ledge and jumping off like the lemmings they are. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Friday, 21-Jun-2024 16:25:23 JST PopulistRight
@Nazareno Didn't Israel mothball their "patriot" systems, because they sucked? -
PopulistRight ('s status on Friday, 17-May-2024 19:20:34 JST PopulistRight
@PraxisOfEvil Liberals are correct like a broken-clock on that one. Biden can do far less damage w/o the Trumptard crowd cheering as Trump pushes the SAME Uniparty policies Biden would.
In fact, Biden's Jews seem slightly less eager for World War 3 than Trump's Jews - so there's that, also. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Friday, 17-May-2024 19:20:33 JST PopulistRight
@synapsid @PraxisOfEvil No. First- Trump's FBI was calling Whites "the primary domestic threat" - and Trump went along with it, post Charlottesville. He backed the George Floyd Myth, and was recently endorsed by the founder of the BLM-Militia - which he celebrated publicly.
Also, Trump is 100% Pro LGBT-Pedo, including Trans-Kids. He says he opposes it now on the campaign trail, but that is a recent tweak.
In 2021, he held one of his Mar-A-Lago Fag-Fests pushing Federal Legislation to FORCE docs to Trans-Mutilate children, using Civil Rights laws.
The next year, 2022, that gala was "celebrating" BIDEN Signing the Faggotization-Of-Marriage law.
I'm not sure what the Melania-Hosted Fag-Fest there, this year, was pushing - but they raised over $1M for something gay. Given Peter Thiel's money-for-fags - coming from his work for the CIA/NSA/Mossad (see Palantir) - any "donations" are nothing but virtue signaling by so-called "conservative" Trump supporters. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Thursday, 02-May-2024 00:34:16 JST PopulistRight
@Nils @thefinn @TrevorGoodchild @epictittus @John_Darksoul Last handle was around 2050 - new one may be 2250, since it is back at 2300 now. Until China stops mass-buying, not sure we will get a good buy-in price. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Wednesday, 24-Apr-2024 04:18:04 JST PopulistRight
@anonaccount The left is learning that "words are violence" is BS - now that it is being used on them. I saw Norman Finklestein (long time anti-Zionist Jew) explaining this at the Columbia protest.
This "words are violence" narrative, invented by Jews, has been very harmful to WN activism/awareness. Now that Jews are using that tactic purely for Jewish-Supremacy purposes, it has been shown for the crock that it is. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Thursday, 18-Apr-2024 01:44:12 JST PopulistRight
@MK2boogaloo Where do leg-men rate? -
PopulistRight ('s status on Wednesday, 17-Apr-2024 12:54:31 JST PopulistRight
@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @sickburnbro Babylon Bee reminder (for those who missed this):
Sometimes they make a good point with humor - but only those points which are not a threat to Jewish Rule. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Sunday, 14-Apr-2024 04:05:34 JST PopulistRight
@leespringfield1903 @Terry In the good 'ol days, one could work a summer job picking fruit, and use that to pay school + room and board in a dorm for the school-year.
Now, the costs have skyrocketed, the summer-job competes with spics (so no savings from work possible), and the post-graduation job competes with pajeets (so the career is rendered worthless). -
PopulistRight ('s status on Sunday, 14-Apr-2024 04:05:15 JST PopulistRight
@pettanko @Terry Boot the 'will work cheeeper' 3rd World REPLACEMENT Workers, and then revisit the issue.
If govt helps replace you, they should eat the debt for the career they made worthless.
As to "Lesbian Dance Majors" - yeah, but make the Universities pay for those. This falls into the "selling snake oil' category.
People with traditional "Liberal Arts" degrees used to work middle-management type jobs. Of course, those degrees used to be things like Western philosophy, literature, history, etc. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Friday, 29-Mar-2024 22:58:27 JST PopulistRight
@sickburnbro @CrustyB @Escoffier Healthcare was also less expensive, because the insurance orgs were regulated to be not-for-profits, and most hospitals were not-for-profits, run by the senior-docs who practiced there.
Obamacare was the "solution" in the "problem reaction solution" chain of events, which was started by 'de-regulation', which made costs skyrocket. In fact, Obamacare-type legislation, including the "individual mandate," was first proposed by Senate Republicans - written by the Heritage Foundation. They needed "left-cover" to pass it, hence Obama's role. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Monday, 25-Mar-2024 05:20:43 JST PopulistRight
@Terry Civilians, Families, Children were murdered. His cold-blooded reaction sounds Jewish. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 01:06:13 JST PopulistRight
@Terry I supported Trump in 2015/16 for the same reason Ann Coulter did - Immigration first and foremost. Ending all the wars would have been nice. Ending Traitor-Trade would have been very nice. But only Immigration was something from which there was no recovery.
Hence, I became increasingly disgusted at basically the same speed she did. But, she kept saying "He keeps bringing me back" when he would "own the libs" with some stupid tweet - which didn't make any difference to me. I wanted the on-the-books Immigration laws ordered-enforced, like he promised (Federal Felony to employ, abet, transport or house and Illegal), the remittances taxed, .
By the end of 2017, I was mostly-done - he'd had plenty of time, and was obviously using the fake "Russiagate" smokescreen to keep morons "rallying around dear leader," while he stabbed us in the back. Then, the caravans came, and he refused to simply use his power under existing law to country-ban them, as the SCOTUS had re-affirmed he could in 2017.
As I argued in the run up to the election with others on the Right who hated Trump, we did not need to "trust" that Trump "really cared about us" - some weirdo with "NYC Values," which I found disgusting. I mistakenly thought he would keep his immigration promises to become the most popular/beloved POTUS in a century, for literally saving the country from ruin (or, at least, buying a LOT more time).
What I didn't understand then, was that being a Jew-puppet, THEIR priorities would ALWAYS come first - #1 being the total destruction of Western civilization and people of European extraction. -
PopulistRight ('s status on Monday, 04-Mar-2024 15:59:12 JST PopulistRight
@ArdainianRight @PraxisOfEvil The left has that too - can watch Jimmy Dore to see how they get much the same game.