Says the man who thinks completely normal looking (in fact quite attractive) female characters like Shadowheart from BG3 are "intentionally ugly character design" because they don't look like an anorexic 12 year-old with the eyes of a tarsier.
Ok and I want my car to shit rainbows and serve me a McFlurry. I mean it's neat that your car can do that, but my point is that it's a nearly useless feature. Most people would probably rather have cheaper fuel, a smooth and silent ride, no local pollution, and the ability to charge at home. And then they can still go for the rare 1000km trip if the charging infra is there.
Very few people regularly drive more than the typical EV range. Literally the only time I ever had to use fast-charging on a highway was when I was driving the car back from where I bought it. The average person probably doesn't even drive 200km a day, let alone your insane 1000km requirement.
Commercial truckers are of course an exception. Maybe hydrogen trucks will become a thing.
Yes I know regular cars can do that, but it's not typically required. And if the charging infrastructure is there, you can do it with an EV as well, just losing a bit of time. Fast charging doesn't seem to affect modern EVs much:
> Stop calling everyone a nazi! I'm merely a Jew-hater!
You're the reason people end up feeling justified in frivolously calling people Nazis.
"I bet he's something like a nazi, even if not literally one, so I'll call him a nazi anyway, who cares." <- A statement that would be correct if everyone who was "wrongly" called a nazi was like you.
Meanwhile, I get called a fucking nazi because I don't think males are women. :blobcat-angry-intensifies:
I was going to say that but then they would have probably retorted with something like "that's why Asian men are effeminate hurr durr." :blobcat-googly:
> it's well known that soy is mildly estrogenic. try eating it every day and watch yourself grow b**ch tits
Provide me with a single scientific study that concludes the daily consumption of normal amounts of soy being able to cause gynecomastia in otherwise healthy male populations.
LOL, I've actually found a case study of one 60 year-old man who was consuming literally 3 fucking liters of soy milk every day, which seems to have been the cause of his gynecomastia:
This is exactly why I said "normal amounts of soy" above, before I even looked for studies. Any kind of food stuff can end up poisoning you if you consume ridiculous amounts of it every day. For example, liquorice can kill you if you over-consume it to an absurd extent:
Whey is sourced from milk, retard. Same with casein which is the second most popular. And even if you were to take 100% soy protein (which I would if it didn't taste like dog shit) there's absolutely no problem with it whatsoever, because "sOy Is EsTrOgEnIc" is literally just a meme among scientifically illiterate midwits.
> worrying about GMO
Another panic inducing unscientific meme.
> Glyphosate
This is the only worry that's reasonable at some basic level, but there's a thousand other things I'll worry about in life before I start worrying about my fucking protein powder being contaminated with carcinogenic weed killers, since I live in a European country with very strict regulation of foodstuffs.
By the way, it's hilarious you'd complain about GMO and weed killers in the very same post, given that one of the primary purposes of GMO is to reduce the need for weed killers and the like. If you wanna spend three times as much on your food so you can have something involving neither GMO nor weed killers, knock yourself out.
> typically loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners
You can choose between sugar, sweeteners, or neither. The sugar content is usually quite low. My current protein powder reserves consist of an unflavored and unsweetened whey protein and a pure 100% soy protein, which I usually mix 50-50 because the soy one tastes like shit.
Next time I'll actually just go back to buying a flavored whey one because it tastes so much better. I have no reason to worry about a small amount of sugar or sweeteners since I otherwise don't eat much junk food.