@beardalaxy@matrix I would actually agree with the post if it weren't for that one last part... More devs need to understand that allowing the player character to be evil and unhinged isn't immediately gonna get them cancelled.
Just slap on some fan service, like a big burly bear guy, a sparkly gay vampire, an evil dommy mommy, a happy-go-lucky child-bearing-hips mommy, and a fake-evil "dark past uwu" traumatized maiden, and you'll get Game of the Year award in no time. :blobcat-smug:
(If you know, you know. No I'm not seriously mocking it, it's great.)
@matrix If the character in question is Black then this ban is understandable. Invoking imagery of the lynchings of Black Americans in such a flippant way is rude to the extreme and would get you kicked out of polite company IRL as well. I'm a free speech enjoyer and don't think someone should have the pigs on their tail or be fined or anything like that for idiotic shit talking like this (the person who said it may not even be genuinely racist -- they may just be a stupid edgelord) but being banned from a forum for it kinda makes sense I think. Change my mind.
@matrix Oh but I agree it's ultra-cringe when games are like this tho. This shit rapidly contributes to the sentiment among youth that being right-wing is the new counter-culture. Teens want to be cool and edgy. The same teens who identified as far left anarchists 30 years ago would be identifying as alt-right (or whatever the fuck it's called nowadays) if they lived in current year, because shallow and performative "social justice" stuff is being shoved down everyone's throats by sanctimonious rich assholes who hold a lot of power in society. And they don't even do it right! They call feminists nazis now for fuck's sake.
@sun You know, so long as your partner is an adult who's genuinely willing to partake in whatever you guys do, there is nothing to judge there on ethical grounds, but maybe it's not good to publicly normalize certain things.
Those were mostly casualties from warfare, if I'm not mistaken. I mean the Russians and Poles, which constitute the vast majority of the 11 million you've mentioned. This is different from people being targeted by the ideology of ethnic "cleansing."
The post did mention hundreds of thousands of Roma, who were also targeted by that ideology. Serbs and Slovenes I don't know much about; perhaps they should have been mentioned as well, if they were targeted for their ethnicity. Likewise with the disabled, and homosexuals, who although not an ethnicity were seen as "defective" people. If your numbers are correct, then I'm not sure why Roma get an explicit mention but other groups don't.
Freemasons, Spanish Republicans, and Jehovah's Witnesses would fall under political persecution I suppose, which is not directly related to the ideology of "cleansing" so I would understand them not being included as part of Holocaust remembrance. That being said, there's an argument to be made that "Holocaust" (or "Shoah" in Hebrew) specifically refers to the persecution of the Jews, and that the inclusion of Roma already expands the aim of Holocaust Remembrance Day. If we want to raise awareness of all Nazi atrocities, then perhaps it would be most accurate to speak of:
Remembering the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust, as well as all other victims of Nazi atrocities, including the genocide of Romani people and Slavic people such as the Serbs and Slovenes, the systematic murdering of disabled people and gay and bisexual men, the killing of millions of Russian and Polish prisoners of war, and the political and religious persecution of a variety of groups such as the Freemasons, Spanish Republicans, and Jehovah's Witnesses.