It's the best server you can get, as it's free of proprietary malware, stable server grade hardware (even without proprietary microcode updates it's very stable) and very fast with acceptable power consumption (hardware really hasn't got that much faster since then either).
Furthermore, used ECC DDR3 is very cheap, meaning you'll never be short on RAM.
@p@dj@ryan@phnt@ins0mniak@lanodan >the joke is that proprietary software is assumed to be compromised by state actors and he hopes to work around this by relying on the state actors' adversarial relationships. Yes, I saw that immediately, but a good joke doesn't rely on false premises that cause the security to totally fall apart, which is what I was pointing out.
>I don't think they make GNUboot for ARM SOCs/SOMs. Those are future targets, but for ARM stuff coreboot is not relevant, you need a free version of u-boot instead.
@p@dj@ryan@phnt@ins0mniak@lanodan >No protection against CISCO backdoors. >No protection against Huwei backdoors. >No protection against Juniper backdoors. >No protection against Checkpoint backdoors. Someone can come along and exploit every single backdoor regardless, as if a backdoor exists, it can be exploited by more than its authors.
The only solution against backdoors is to use a free software firewall that is free of any backdoors by installing GNU/Linux-libre and configuring netfilter.
@p@dj@ryan@phnt@ins0mniak@lanodan >That's what the other three firewalls are for. You'd need four backdoors! Yes, the attacker just exploits each of the 4 backdoors in sequence.
>No protection against IME backdoors. I forgot to mention installing GNUboot and once that done there is no IME backdoor, as such proprietary software is not included in the images (on GNUbootable intel computers that came with an IME, the IME is an extra processor added to the NIC and can be disabled by simply not loading anything onto it).
You'd really want to use an KGPE-D16 GNUbooted systemd, as the Opteron 62XX processors appear to not even come with a backdoor processor.
@p@dj@ryan@phnt@ins0mniak@lanodan >Clinton wanted to put a freaking spy chip in everyone's computer. >They still wanna do that. It's already done.
What do you think one functionality IME or PSP or ARM Trustzone is for?
Most people also carry around demon rectangles that could operate as a computer if not heavily restricted and every single one of them contains a spy chip (mobile chipset running proprietary software).
Proprietary software tends to lack support for it, same as most other image formats (proprietary software developers tend to only make animated gif functional for animations), so lusers and itoddlers can't handle receiving a webp.
@SuperDicq It would be fine if total proprietary death was implemented, as the proprietary software in the anime would be mere fiction as it doesn't exist in reality, but the proprietary software in the anime does actually have a real implementation.
@SuperDicq >ultra GNU autists I was professionally diagnosed not autistic, but I am ultra-GNU.
It does ruin the experience if the characters are surrendering their freedom to proprietary software, although in most cases it's not so bad to make the show unwatchable.
@SuperDicq I'm writing about how modern ones portray demon rectangles and other proprietary software being run, which is much less common in older Chinese cartoons.
[[[ To any NSA, CIA & FBI agents reading my profile; please consider ]]][[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]][[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]Free software extremist who enjoys freedom and posting ですぅ.Please don't confuse me with an "open source" supporter ですぅ.GNU+Jihad against proprietary and "open source" software ですぅぅぅぅぅぅ!!!ⓘ User is part of an online terrorist organization.ですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅです