Something that frustrates me about most historical fiction is that the hero is almost always out of place and time. The hero and his companions act and hold beliefs like a modern westerner, even when everyone around them doesn't. Even when the belief was so ubiquitous that it was held by 99% of the population. Somehow, your hero is always in that 1%. This is even worse in RPGs because they offer you a choice, but that choice is usually limited to "be nice like a westerner" or "ignore it."
@matrix EXACTLY: I think you posted this already, but I just wanted to point out the significance of this change.
They changed the model of Henry from KCD 1 to 2 to make him chadified... But: He's not supposed to look like that. If you're playing a witcher, obviously your body will be a mountain of muscules. But you will NOT look like that on a medieval diet. It's just not happening.
@LukeAlmighty I dunno. Here it could simply be a difference in camera angle and ingame vs prerendered. I barely looked at his face in game though since it's covered by a helmet. He also was acknowledged as a son of a noble so he did probably got access to more meat. You are correct though that on a medieval peasant's died you would not be able to build muscle.
@LukeAlmighty@matrix I mean, Henry should have access to plenty of food with the amount of money I made in the first game...also he's kind of a noble so there is that too.
@matrix Oh but I agree it's ultra-cringe when games are like this tho. This shit rapidly contributes to the sentiment among youth that being right-wing is the new counter-culture. Teens want to be cool and edgy. The same teens who identified as far left anarchists 30 years ago would be identifying as alt-right (or whatever the fuck it's called nowadays) if they lived in current year, because shallow and performative "social justice" stuff is being shoved down everyone's throats by sanctimonious rich assholes who hold a lot of power in society. And they don't even do it right! They call feminists nazis now for fuck's sake.
@matrix If the character in question is Black then this ban is understandable. Invoking imagery of the lynchings of Black Americans in such a flippant way is rude to the extreme and would get you kicked out of polite company IRL as well. I'm a free speech enjoyer and don't think someone should have the pigs on their tail or be fined or anything like that for idiotic shit talking like this (the person who said it may not even be genuinely racist -- they may just be a stupid edgelord) but being banned from a forum for it kinda makes sense I think. Change my mind.
@LukeAlmighty@matrix yeah, I am also talking about this, and this is, like, very Not Canon, they chadified him before selling to the western audiences, too dunno if there are mods to make him more lithe and less of a chad (there's a dad bod mod, but that's also ain't it)
@tomie@LukeAlmighty@matrix back when I played in like 2017 there were mods to give him book-accurate skin, hair, and eyes. Not a total body mod though.
@beardalaxy@matrix I would actually agree with the post if it weren't for that one last part... More devs need to understand that allowing the player character to be evil and unhinged isn't immediately gonna get them cancelled.
Just slap on some fan service, like a big burly bear guy, a sparkly gay vampire, an evil dommy mommy, a happy-go-lucky child-bearing-hips mommy, and a fake-evil "dark past uwu" traumatized maiden, and you'll get Game of the Year award in no time. :blobcat-smug:
(If you know, you know. No I'm not seriously mocking it, it's great.)