They want to bankrupt you, conquer you, humiliate you, and most importantly, they want to replace you.
So typical of the GOP; winning the working man over just to fuck him in the ass so their well-informed stock portfolio can go up a couple points.
This is a mockery and a disgrace that we all saw coming.
They all need to hang, but first, for those on the left reading this, reach out. It's time to form an alliance and burn this mother fucker to the ground.
I hear that roof therapy is 100% effective on freaks like this, but I digress.
Hey there @codeofamor , be advised. You will never be a woman. It is physically impossible and you know it. Get help before this demonic jewish fantasy consumes you and takes you to Hell.
This is a woman...something you cannot be and will never be mistaken for being:
We have unelected people who have been placed in positions of trust who genuinely believe that indentured servitude is the only path to prosperity. Their vision of prosperity.
Their doubling down on it, with influential people actually cheering for it, shows they want more. Way more.
This is far deeper than jeet slave labor.
Elon literally wants everything flowing through X. That means a total and complete monopoly on communication, banking, name it- a cashless society, a dystopian security state, but infused with just enough jewish vice to give the illusion of freedom. He is a true believer in the concept of brutal & absolute totalitarianism, which should come of no surprise to anybody, given his extremely cozy relationship with the Chinese government. That means that you are no longer a person; just a highly detailed file with a numerical 'value' assigned to it in a database that can be edited, promoted, demoted or deleted in a single keystroke based on a real-time risk assessment...maybe even an autonomous keystroke. Because algorithms.
No one person should have that kind of influence, ever. This alone makes him the most evil motherfucker alive. The Antichrist.
At least the disgusting mechanations of the Soros syndicate offer some room for reality to push back.
But yet, because he put a MAGA hat on and influential people are gullible enough to lap it up openly, here we are.
So these people, who have significant reach, are now saying that if you don't want to work 80 hours a week that you're a lazy piece of DEI shit that deserves to be replaced. Pure capitalism in its ultimate form.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet and this is already going down as the biggest rug pull in the history of American politics, well surpassing the scamdemic.
I was convinced that a Kamala Harris win would have been a sure-fire bet to plunge this country into a violent revolution, but that a Trump win would simply delay the inevitable.
I was incredibly wrong on both counts.
For a while, I've been saying our moment is coming...
Before I left the Delmarva area for Texas, there was a local airport that, amidst big local fanfare with "elected representatives" present, a small FBO took delivery of two Pipistrel Velis Electro trainers. At the event, the business owner bragged how the costs of going flying 'woudn't be a third' of the costs of their three Cessna 152s they use, how the days of piston engines were done, etc.
When all was said & done, pricing came out.
The C152s dropped from $205/hr wet to $150/hr wet (still beyond rediculous for birds that weren't even IFR equipped)
The new shiny electric toys? $295/hr, and 10 hours of flight training was required for a checkout.
You read that right. $295. For a seriously underpowered aircraft that only holds enough of a charge for maybe 45 mins of operation, meaning you can only operate in the immediate vicinity. These things retail north of $250k, before you purchase required charging systems.
My understanding is that the few other Velis Electro operators demand similar extortion at their locations.
We researched electric powertrains for light GA aircraft for our first 'high profile' client. The mission profile was simple:
1. 265 peak HP 2. Taxi, Takeoff, Climb, 2 hour cruise at 70% power, descend, approach, waveoff, go to alternate pkus 30 min loiter (a relatively standard IFR cross country profile) 3. 2000 hour battery life with 1000 charge cycles 4. Battery must tolerate the elements 5. Battery volumetric & mass properties must not exceed the equivalent of two 30-gallon fuel tanks
Findings were found in short order:
1. Motor and controller state of the art is there, with existing products available at a very reasonable price point. No issue. 2. No battery system exists that possess the energy storage, power output, size, mass property, duration, life or ruggedness required, let alone at a truly affordable & sustainable price point that can be practical as well.
There is a possibility of something better than lithium-ion- the flouride-ion matrix. Prototype systems have shown the potential for three times the power output than li-ion, and eight times the storage capacity. Also, flouride is far more plentiful than lithium, and orders of magnitude less toxic, and unlike lithium, can be recycled. The client, a well-established petroleum corporation, is researching and developing this matrix. I cannot say who the client is, but their efforts towards this matrix is very impressive! But, they still have a ways to go. This paper is enlightening, but attached are some key takeaways about this matrix.
So here we have eVTOL "startup" Lilium. This company, like so many other recipients of massive (((big tech))) investments, have promised the world with wildly overoptimistic & unrealistic business models performance estimates, and have underdelivered in product testing.
Lilium, despite massive fanfare, awesome renderings & YT videos and a sizeable soy faggot fanboy support network, employing a workforce of over 500 people & developing, building and testing two subscale proof of concept flying prototypes of extremely limited performance capability to show for it, have managed in nine years to burn through €1.4 Billion since their inception...and are on the verge of failure.
As such, like a drug addict, they need more. They are begging the German & French governments for taxpayer money......and said governments, despite knowing good & well of Lilium's failed business and instead of calling for inquiry & accountability, are actually giving these losers forum.
Imagine what any of us here could do with a sliver of that kind of money.
It must be nice to blow through that kind of money and then have the audacity to say "we need more" with total impunity.
We'll be bettering the local extortionist POS Joel Osteen. He sent his Citation X out that way from here Monday morning with just 750 pounds of supplies according to folks we know. We're taking a Piaggio P.180 with 3 souls aboard, minimum IFR fuel, the rest of it supplies (2092 lbs according to our weight & balance)...packed out to MGTOW. About 3 hours after we depart in the morning is a Chevron-owned Lear 60 will be following, loaded to the brim as well.
The locals on the ground we spoke to sais it is a shitshow there, and have instructed us to an alternate parking area at KAVL away from the main ramp where they'll meet us to avoid govt activities interfering. I am understanding most of this stuff will be transported either by helicopter or pack mule team to their destinations.
NC is an open carry state, so we'll be armed accordingly.
Finally ops complete for the day. Uneventful flight to Asheville. After offloading our donations (after telling the FEMA lackey who tried getting into our business to fuck off), we volunteered to medevac four folks to Bristol, then on to Nashville. We loaded up this little old Avanti once again, but with more stuff than earlier today. It'll be a quick trip to Knoxville tomorrow, drop off and refuel, then back to Houston.
Overflying all of it, I'm left stunned. It's bad, folks. If you are able to help, do it. Please.
Spent the last two days making calls and pulling some favors, but three of us got a bird on loan and donated fuel and we're packing her out to max takeoff weight with donated supplies, food, etc.
We got a PPR (a temporary landing permit) for KAVL (Asheville) and will be received by known folks there, not govt. Once off loaded, we depart for Nashville to overnight and reload, that load goes to KTYS (Knoxville). Once done, we'll head back home.
It'll be a long day tomorrow (at the shop at 4am local), and will return to Houston on Friday afternoon, but worth it.
I was in a long time; started on the enlisted side then moved up halfway into officer country for the second half. There was the share of good times and some really bad times, but I'll never use that status as a 'former Marine' as some kind of calling card the way I see so many others do. That said, for those cats who do, their time in was probably their peak.
To give an example, we subbed out some welding work to a fellow veteran not far from our works. I go to him because he does great work (I was unaware of his status until after we started doing business with him), but shit man, you go into his office to handle business and all you see is a full-retard tier shrine to his service, complete with framed awards & promotion warrants, the obligatory challenge coin collection, all the way to the cross-like stand that only a SgtMaj uses, including a helmet, body armor and boots...complete with his dog tags. Too much, but he never openly brags about his time in.
You won't find that at my shop en masse, even though three of us did time. You'll see a few things in our offices, but that is it. We are not in business to brag about our prior military service- we're in business to solve engineering problems. Period. I am way more proud of my academic & professional certificates I earned outside of the military, as well as commendations I've received from the local community.
This said, the ones who like to brag and one-up, especially when it was never solicited, were either bottom-feeding shamurai douschebags if they were actually in, or outright bullshit artists.
They are such easy targets! It is entertaining to approach & start asking them basic questions, then hearing the gears in their head grinding to a halt.
Over the years, I've met countless "Rangers", at numerous airports close to TRADOC installations, and one time in Charlotte, while on our way to Eastern Europe for our wedding, my soon-to-be wife and I had the 'pleasure' of meeting a nineteen year-old mullet-sporting & Cope-chewing 'Operator' and "recipient" of the Congressional Medal of Honor! To this day, we are still kicking our asses for not filming the hilarious takedown...
He ended up getting his ass kicked by some people who got tricked into covering his tab, then he got arrested for using a fake ID to drink.
The ones I genuinely cannot stand (or anyone for that manner) are those douschebags who roll up at the range in a Jeep Wrangler adorned with tattered American flag, "Molon Labe", "NRA Life Member" and "III Percenter" decals, step out wearing 5.11 apparel to look the part, then, to complete his douschebaggery, sets up at the firing line with an overpriced AR with useless accessories and a $2,000 optic attached to it, talking all kinds of shit, including all his excuses as to why he isn't able to group 'that day'.