Notices by CMD (
I'm looking for a radical career change and I'm exploring my options.
I have the will, leadership skills, and social capital to grab about 5 intelligent, physically able, trustworthy, unemployed men - the kind of man which litters the street after college. I know these people personally, and they would agree to follow me if I could secure them a reasonable standard of living.
...Of course, this is not "Hitler" levels of resources. But I am in an *abnormally* good position to start a business. I just do not know what is best. I can come up with 20 *bad* ideas, but I'm not sure I can come up with one *good* idea.
@NateHiggers1488 @grey >Economy is so shit that Zoomies are eating fucking dairy out of a trash can
Holy fuck
@NateHiggers1488 @grey >Economy is so shit that the Skibidi Alphabros are eating fucking dairy out of a trash can
Holy fuck
"Oh wise Tarot reader, teach me how I shall find love. :AYAYA: "
"Well CMD, let's see what the cards have to say... :gura_smug: "
"It looks like no mentally stable woman will ever love you because you're too fucking insane. :gura_smug: "
"Oh... :gura_pain: "
"I recommend you find a goth yandere dommy mommy. :gura_smug:"
"Where do I find them? :gura_pain: "
"You walked into a tarot reader's shop, you are literally surrounded by wiccans you dumb shit. :gura_smug:"
@MoeBritannica I think we should use concrete to close off the tunnels so that nobody ever enters them.
:konata_happy: I get to see our Bishop's tarot reading for the US before it gets posted to youtube.
@sneeden :notlikemiya: How do you get a second pair of mantits? He's not even *that* fat, mine were bigger when I was 240 lb and they still didn't look like that.
Is he an actual fish? Are those gills?
@sneeden No it's not, because *I* lost a huge pile of weight and fat skin - I don't have anything remotely close to this problem.
@King_Noticer @ArtContest @taylan Fair. It does bother me when people just assume that hating jews automatically makes me an authoritarian of some sort, when the reality is that historically most expulsions of jews were done by people who were revolting against a king who was favoring the jews over his own people.
Hating jews is a Democratic tradition, damnit!
@taylan @ArtContest That's kinda fucking hilarious mate. You're out here frivolously calling people Nazis while bitching about being frivolously called a Nazi.
Like even in the same fucking post holy shit.
@taylan @ArtContest :asui_what: I'm happy being edgy about it, but I am actually one of the very few people on this side of fedi who isn't an actual Nazi.
You shot at the broad side of a barn and missed lass.
@Lyx I have pajeet relatives and to be honest the experience has made me more racist against them than anyone else on Fedi.
Putting me in the middle of India is the surest way to ensure that total pajeet death is achieved.
I do not think you understand how absolutely abhorrent these creatures can get. You have never seen them with their masks off. You think you have seen them with their masks off, but you have not. Nothing you have seen compares with the absolute levels of WHAT THE FUCK these things are capable of behind closed doors.
@taylan @Alex @meowski @lain @cjd If we're going to be dead serious about this, then there is a good point to be made for unfermented soy - particularly tofu - being a bad source of protein. There is a good reason that asian cultures invented things like "soy sauce," "stinky tofu," and "natto," and it's because the fermentation process breaks down a lot of things that people just cannot digest. When you try to consume unfermented soy...the stomach doesn't do too good, and it causes problems.
Also, average consumption of soy protein in Japan/China is like 10g/day, which is about equivalent to...about one cup of soymilk a day. Not altogether that much.
@Zergling_man I assume "soon" and not "more than 24 hours from now"
"So guys we're having a midnight mass. :gura_smug: "
"Oh boy! I've never been to a midnight mass for Christmas! When is it? :AYAYA: "
"Midnight you dumb shit. :gura_pain:"
@taylan @meowski @lain @cjd There's flavored whey protein on the market that doesn't have artificial sweeteners in them - Transparent Labs has whey protein that tastes acceptable without much sugar (1g per scoop, each scoop having 28g protein), and I think that's a good trade-off.
I did have this discussion with Meowski before about protein powders and he is right that a lot of these powders have more sucralose in them than is entirely healthy. Not *all* of them, but certainly the one I was using when he brought it up at that point.
@Kyonko802 @rainignterror1080p As a heterosexual teenager, I never realized that Lulu's dress was made out of belts because I was too busy looking at her titties.
@MoeBritannica Merry padorumas, :PADW:
@CoQ_10 What about these?
That cyclops fucker
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