This is actually a very slick move as it renders them completely powerless
@jeffcliff @TrevorGoodchild you can avoid HIV if you stop buttfucking other Canucks, Jeff. Did you hear that the new treatment for H5N1 is shoving a whole bag of jellybeans up your ass? Better get to work.
@TrevorGoodchild slick move at ...keeping the CDC/NIH/FDA from doing its job ??? during an ongoing covid pandemic/while HIV/H5N1 continues to spread ????
utterly reckless and disgusting that you're cheering this on
@BarelyEagle The faggots at the CDC et al provide the justification for state governments and healthcare systems to instantly assume the mantle/shield of 'WE WUZ JUST FOLLOWING GUIDELINES'. This is how they slammed fagcine bullshit through
Putting a muzzle on them is a great start. Breaking their jaw is even better.
@TrevorGoodchild >renders them completely powerless
In the sense that a lot of what they do is propaganda?
@TrevorGoodchild I wonder if Trump has a whole schedule of outrages, like his enemies will never get a chance to hammer him for the next four years because they'll have to constantly forget yesterday's outrage to promote todays outrage 🤔
@EvilSandmich He's had 4 years to plan so if he's smart and his crew is disciplined they will simply proceed from media outrage to media outrage and never let the enemies catch up