@mntmn Do you know what the backlog looks like for CrowdSupply - kind of annoying that I've been waiting almost a year, and may have been able to get a unit more quickly (and customised) direct from your shop... (sorry for the rant - not your fault)
@mntmn Awesome news, although must admit that I'm a little ambivalent - if I had a little patience and waited for this, rather than pre-ordering via CrowdSupply, I might be able to get it at around the same time, but with more refined options...
In any case (pun not intended), I have a few items in my basket now, and am excited :)
@mntmn That has a little more irony than you perhaps intended, as I'm, in the queue, waiting for you to build and dispatch a certain little device! (can't wait!)
@mntmn@holo_memory@bnys@liaizon Looks awesome! Looking forward to being able to get the manual, although I might also have one printed ring-bound for full retro-appeal, and to actually use (so I can keep the original pristine).
@mntmn I strongly believe that more people need to learn why this is so important - to have a system from the ground up that's designed specifically NOT to have surveillance and tracking built in by design.
i.e. Don't be fooled by a "smart" (always on) device that's designed to passively stimulate addiction and cultivated "needs", but be smart ourselves and demand devices that simply just do what we need it to, and without any hidden agendas.