Shadowman311 ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:35:00 JST Shadowman311
This whole Chinese spy balloon fiasco is the penultimate example of just how inept this dying empire truly is, its a balloon hovering in your airspace owned by a hostile entity, any sane country would have shot it down with a fighter jet 5 minutes after it was detected and it wouldn't have even had time to be a news story. But since its the modern US, its taking days to even consider doing anything about it, this country is so retarded man its unreal. - Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this.
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:34:59 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Shadowman311 it’s a fun example of abandoned tech. We thought nobody would continue using the tech after the 60’s, transitioning to satellites and planes, so now decades later we stopped maintaining anything with adequate range to really reliably kill it.
We can sling a bunch of metal to pop holes in it but with the pressure it won’t come down quickly at all. They should be able to use a missile or something but I’m kinda thinking they’re afraid of even a single miss making them look even dumber
PunishedD ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:47:54 JST PunishedD
@Shadowman311 @TheWeez He would have shot it down, then held a press conference himself where he shit talks China and threatens to shoot down everything they put in the air. Also he's banning all the mylar helium "Chy-na balloons" at your local Party City.
For all his flaws, at least Trump understood how an empire is SUPPOSED to act.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
SANTA Weezimp🎅🏻 ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:47:55 JST SANTA Weezimp🎅🏻
I hate to be that asshole but this literally wouldn't have happened under trump. I don't think the entire Ukraine shit would have happened either. -
Shadowman311 ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:47:55 JST Shadowman311
@TheWeez It definitely wouldn't have, Trump would have had that thing shot down the instant news of it came across his desk, guaranteed. But Biden's inaction also isn't just caused by him. -
CoQ_10 ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:47:59 JST CoQ_10
@Shadowman311 @WashedOutGundamPilot Might need an F-22 to get near it at 60K feet. Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Shadowman311 ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:48:00 JST Shadowman311
@WashedOutGundamPilot Just use an F-16 its not that hard -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:53:15 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Shadowman311 @Heil_Honkler @Twoinchdestroya Those aren’t mobile, they’re hardwired in place. Moving it takes longer than changing apartments, at least.
I think they had a shot at it early on, diverted F22s from alaska since they were in the area for red flag or whatever, but they must have chickened out.
People underestimate the difference in the atmosphere though, 60k feet is almost like space, it’s probably not as simple as sending at F15 wheezing its way up to its absolute service ceiling to lob a missile up there, the aerodynamics are pretty comfortably outside their design envelope
I think they could but they’d be risking some embarrassment when they launch 5 warheads somewhere into american territory because it’s not as simple as “popping a balloon” sounds when you’re that high up
Heil_Honkler ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:53:16 JST Heil_Honkler
@Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot @Shadowman311 Literally can pop it with a laser. aint hard. -
Shadowman311 ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:53:16 JST Shadowman311
@Heil_Honkler @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot Yeah we have ground based directed energy weapons that essentially have no range limits yet we can't drive one out to Montana and pop a single balloon, clown country. -
Twoinchdestroya ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:53:17 JST Twoinchdestroya
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Shadowman311 Why not just get a famer with a rifle and $5000
Heil_Honkler ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:54:21 JST Heil_Honkler
@Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot I mean hell they've had ac130 mounted chemical laser for decades. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:54:21 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Heil_Honkler @Shadowman311 @Twoinchdestroya It’s probably not working. all these special projects are 90% inoperative, and only gain functionality right before their evals
This is like a no-notice dorm inspection
Samhydeigger ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:54:38 JST Samhydeigger
@Shadowman311 I read somewhere it’s actually really hard to shoot it down and the fact we haven’t is cuz we can’t, cuz they have such a small weak radar signal and even thermal guidance relies on the sun. Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
d ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:54:44 JST d
@Innsmouth_Mayor @Samhydeigger @Shadowman311 I'd expect it to be closer to 100,000 feet but I don't have my own radar station, so idk Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Innsmouth_Noticer ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:54:45 JST Innsmouth_Noticer
@Samhydeigger @Shadowman311 If its at 65,000 feet there is no reason they can't use a gatling gun from an f15 or 22 to shred it or at least the sensor array. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:57:23 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Innsmouth_Mayor @Samhydeigger @Shadowman311 And? Air pressure that high up isn’t like a normal balloon, we could shoot it full of holes and watch it slowly leak air for a week and a half as it descends another 10,000 feet
We don’t have something that can reliably puncture a hole in a fabric sheet, we’d need some super sensitive fuses in order to make it blast big enough holes in the side to bring it down
This is just as much - if not more - politics and marketing than actual logistics. We could bring it down but we already look retarded, missing the first shot this late in the game is only worse. By now they’ll probably let it mosy on through.
yockeypuck ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:57:32 JST yockeypuck
@EssentialUtinsil @Shadowman311 Rusty nukes decomposing on the lawn of the run-down trailer that is America. Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
EssentialUtinsil :njp: ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 03:57:33 JST EssentialUtinsil :njp:
@Shadowman311 the best part is the supposed freakout 'it's over montana where our nukes are'. does china not have recon satellites? is our nuke arsenal just sitting out in broad daylight? if our nuclear capabilities are in danger of being exposed by a single high altitude balloon, holy fuck is this place a joke. -
BroDrillard ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 05:04:58 JST BroDrillard
@PunishedD @Shadowman311 @TheWeez There’s an interesting take in Gonzalo Lira’s most recent video, that may offer an explanation.
His logic is that zog needs an enemy to keep Europe as vassal states. This used to be Russia, but with Ukraine it’s clear that NATO can’t defeat Russia. Russia also doesn’t have imperial ambitions towards W-Eu. So zog needs a new, viable enemy quickly, with China being the best candidate.
From here it’s my theory. Normally such a balloon would have just been shot down, and never made the news. Remember, when something becomes “news” is because they want it to be news. Now they can hyperventilate about China against our precious bodily fluids nucular weapons in Montana or wherever.
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 05:05:48 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Bro-Drillard @PunishedD @Shadowman311 @TheWeez I do wonder whether it would have been shrugged off before as a mistake, but someone set off the media machine and it caught the regime flat footed without a pre-built “it’s fine” narrative
SANTA Weezimp🎅🏻 ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 06:40:17 JST SANTA Weezimp🎅🏻
I also wonder if China is just testing to see how entrenched they are in our government. I made a post yesterday ironically blaming China for most of our problems...but what if China is actually causing most of the steaming pile of shit coming out of washington because they actually own so much of it. I know people around blame the jews for everything, but what if that's actually China pushed narrative...or they exploit the narrative... because it sounds so damn cliche to blame China.
But 15 years ago it wasn't Cliche, people were like why the fuck are we giving China so much power...and now they have it...and they are demonstrating it.
It's why I say under Trump it wouldn't have happened or it would be shot down. He was legit not a Chinese asset to the extent of Biden...
I know I'm connecting dots that probably don't but I still wonder... what if the actual collapse of our great country is Chinese warfare. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 06:40:17 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@TheWeez @Bro-Drillard @PunishedD @Shadowman311 I remember that anti-chink stock ownership bill seeming to cause no small panic among pelosi & co.
But it’s hard to say the chinks are anywhere near as bad because we aren’t sending them billions of dollars in tithing like we are to Israel.
Epstein wasn’t Jeffrey Chong, after all. They’re exploiting us but I don’t think they’re playing on the same level of pro-evil-blackmail that the jews are. They’re more opportunistic.
Like, epstein’s op got a LOT of powerful people. Who’d the chinks get? Low level retards in congress and hunter biden. Amateur hour in comparison
SANTA Weezimp🎅🏻 ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 06:58:23 JST SANTA Weezimp🎅🏻
We are sending them far more money than we are Israel.
We send Israel money.
We have given up a good stake of our counties assets to China, manufacturing and shit like that. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 06:58:23 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@TheWeez @Bro-Drillard @PunishedD @Shadowman311 Yeah but they at least play along and give us cheap plastic shit and nine-dollar blue jeans
Can’t say that about the israelis
BroDrillard ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 06:59:55 JST BroDrillard
@TheWeez @WashedOutGundamPilot @PunishedD @Shadowman311 >but what if China is actually causing most of the steaming pile of shit coming out of washington because they actually own so much of it. I know people around blame the jews
porque no los dos?Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
SANTA Weezimp🎅🏻 ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 07:06:47 JST SANTA Weezimp🎅🏻
I would disagree about the time it takes to weaken a countries resolve. There has been an ongoing campaign by communists since the 1940s.
And they have accomplished most of their goals at this point...
I hate to sound cliche but it's the truth. -
BroDrillard ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 07:06:47 JST BroDrillard
@TheWeez @PunishedD @Shadowman311 @WashedOutGundamPilot >the time it takes to weaken a countries resolve. There has been an ongoing campaign by communists since the 1940s.
You need to update that boomer firmware. :)Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
PunishedD ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 07:06:48 JST PunishedD
@TheWeez @Bro-Drillard @Shadowman311 @WashedOutGundamPilot I think that's giving the chinks too much credit. Testing your enemy's weaknesses is standard practice between two powers, and they're getting a free test of both military and political readiness for the cost of a single balloon. You don't need decades of subversion to weaken domestic defenses that weren't there in the first place. And you don't need deep state traitors to make a sclerotic figurehead administration look like a bunch of asshats. -
Peter ('s status on Saturday, 04-Feb-2023 07:23:44 JST Peter
@TheWeez @WashedOutGundamPilot @Bro-Drillard @PunishedD @Shadowman311 >what if the actual collapse of our great country is Chinese warfare
Collapse seems to center around (((Western))) valuesWoggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this.