@dictatordave @bobbala @BattleDwarfGimli @KennyWhitePowers @Rose @WilhelmIII @feralphilosophernc @jb @lovelymiss @Escoffier @Liquid_Boss @Spingebill @UnCL3 @graf I think the SCOTUS is beginning to recognize that their role is to prevent the masses from revolt.
Had they so chose, they could have backed the jab mandate, for example, but 20% of this country would have gone straight into a resistance role. If 10% of that 20% had become violent, that would have been 6 million violent people.
It's the same with our guns. SCOTUS might allow some regulations, but they are well aware that the people have had it with faggots like Joe Biden. Notice that he got exactly nowhere with his promise to ban assault rifles and has lost several ATF lawsuits.