@nixCraft from the world of Dutch tech news: the AI LLM "GEITje" (apache licensed model, open source) got taken down after pressure from "Stichting Brein" (a non-profit that claims to protect copyright infringement but is a bit controversial). https://tweakers.net/nieuws/231254/ontwikkelaar-haalt-taalmodel-geitje-offline-na-verzoek-stichting-brein.html The Dutch techies are a bit upset that this small OS project got taken down, while the big boys can keep stealing whatever they want.
@nixCraft the biggest problem is them calling it "AI". How about locally generated subtitles using a neural network to do the speech-to-text translation?
It is of course a waste of computational resources for 95+% of everything that gets played in vlc, as you can often just download subs. But I can imagine that hearing impaired family members would love this when they watch some home videos of kids birthdays/weddings/graduations/...
@nixCraft start working on fortran 2003/2008, and try to keep your project working on both ifort and gfortran. That will help you get used to compiler crashes 🤣
@nixCraft internet, but served from servers with all led indicator lights soldered off the boards. This sounds silly, but considering the average datacenter with tens of thousands of servers, this adds up to quite a bit of power saving.
@nixCraft and prepare yourself for some trauma, because let's be real: if you are sending them an email, you most likely do not want details on their nightly activities 😉
@nixCraft I see this browser tab hoarding quite often, but have never understood it. What are you guys keeping in there? What kind of interesting websites am I missing out on?