No matter who wins this election, I can tell you this: I’m gonna remember who said it didn’t matter. I’m gonna remember who said they were both the same.
@Gargron@Ooze We all know how evil Meta is. That’s why many of us are here and not there! But that’s also why we’re worried about their motives in the fediverse. It would be good for you to show some empathy to that concern.
In your example above, you perfectly explained why it’s against their business interests to fully federate. So, honestly, why would they? What do they get for giving up the money they can make from users within their walled garden?
Lord save me from people who think maintaining separate accounts to access different community spaces is somehow the greatest tragedy to befall the internet and such a terrible infringement on their convenience that to suggest it has some good effects is some kind of personal blasphemy.
You've never had an identity you had to hide for your own safety and it SHOWS.
Watching the drama unfold regarding Threads' promise/threat to federate with mastodon and all I can think is, why are we trying so hard to smoosh everyone back into the same place again? Communities don't work like that. Smooshing everyone together causes all the problems that plague internet communities. It's good to have separate places for separate communities. Stop trying to cram everyone together! IT NEVER WORKS.
It's also funny to me that the excuse for all that smooshing before was that the ad model demanded it. More people = more value = more expensive ads to sell! But mastodon is not ad supported so why the fuck do we want interop with ad-driven companies? Just to make us feel like big important adults? THAT'S WHAT THERAPY IS FOR.
I fully understand what Threads/Meta sees in mastodon because it's what they always see: unclaimed eyeballs and the money they can make by selling those eyeballs to the highest bidder.
But what do we get? We get to follow Instagram accounts here? THAT'S WHAT INSTAGRAM IS FOR. Why would I want that shit in my stream? Instagram fucking sucks.
We get to be followed by the thirsty creeps on Threads? NO THANK YOU. Threads sucks, too, and if I wanted my words there, I'd post them there.
I know, there are lots of fediverse projects, it's not just mastodon. All of them are virgin hills full of gold and we're seeing miners with pickaxes on the horizon and it's SO WEIRD to see them being welcomed as if they're not going to mine this place hollow just like they have every other place we've let them take up residence.
Point is, communities have boundaries. That's what makes them communities. And there's good reason to have the friction of creating a new account, agreeing to the community guidelines, and getting to know a new place. That's part of what makes communities communities.
Maybe we should think twice before turning on a spigot we can't turn off.
If someone posts their Chanukah menorah and you respond with something anti-Israel, that's antisemitism. If you don't understand why, do some reading about how Jews are an ethnicity and Israel is a state with a government that most Jews don't even support.
If you're tempted to argue about this with me, just save yourself the trouble and block me. I don't want bigots following me, anyway.
The Andressen manifesto is the gift that keeps giving because it inspires writing like this.
"The techno-optimist tribe gives off the distinct impression of people who have been so ridiculously rich for so long that they’ve just completely lost the plot about how the real world works. To be fair, this is an apt description of most of Silicon Valley."
The ACLU was wrong when they supported nazis, and the EFF is wrong when they support KF. There are some people you just don't go to bat for, and the mere idea of a "slippery slope" is not more important than actual lives in danger.
I support the ACLU and the EFF on most things, but these are examples of why you have to temper your support, even for people and organizations you usually align with.
Here's one thing I've learned as a Jew and the son of a WWII refugee: you don't just watch out for the nazis - you watch who goes to bat for the nazis.
I used to make websites. I wrote “Design for Community.” I designed the original Blogger. I created JPG Magazine, Fray, Kvetch, Cute-Fight, and more.Now I grow flowers and turn them into CBD products for I take care of 30-something chickens, 13 goats, 3 dogs, 2 cats, and my wife and myself in Boring, Oregon. Nazis, TERFs, and Republicans can fuck off. Do not explain capitalism to me.He/him.#fedi22 #community #goats #communitydesign #farmlife #design