@deprecated_ii it's social conditioning the talented to tolerate and assist the incompetent. sure the teachers get a break but that's not the focus of this exercise.
@ArdainianRight I didn't work on the Sabbath, I didn't eat pork. But God didn't say nothing about not given it to a 3 year old in the back room of the yeshva... I'll just swing a chicken and it'll be fine. Now, how do I take that goys house?
@ArdainianRight they are alright with 'their' god... covanat where you can't eat meat and cheese from the same plate but you can fuck children and steal.... Kinda god.
@EssentialUtinsil@sickburnbro everyone should by now realize the Jewish media is forcing these occurrence to the forefront. Boeing isn't a commercial aircraft maker. it's a weapons manufacturer that also does some side jobs for the public sector. they're going to force it into bankruptcy and a number of investment firms controlled by duel citizens will buy it.
@EssentialUtinsil@sickburnbro buying puts on Boeing, depres the stock thought a media campaign, buy the bottom of one of the largest military contractors just before WWII starts....
@caekislove@HoroTheWhiteWolf@lolipunk3069 they got a right to come here all legal like. those ones we don't mind. I want my daughter to marry a hard working feller- Boomer
Chief Editor: Only Fan Adjutant General for Disinformation. #MaskedStranger #WAF #WhiteCommunityOrganizer #TrollOfInfiniteJest gab.com/VIc_FUryPronouns: Dude, Bro, Goy [encouraging irreversible transmogrification of the youth is unforgivable.]The internet is a never-ending a<>b shit test ran at the speed of outrage.