@p @maija @Zerglingman @justnormalkorean @meso Just witnessing the new Big Tent Huwhite Nationalism we are seeing evolve.
Notices by istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com), page 5
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Sep-2023 08:22:11 JST istván -
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Monday, 25-Sep-2023 18:42:59 JST istván @Zerglingman @maija @p @justnormalkorean @meso Tariq Nasheed is the lead phrenologist for the New York State Division of Criminal Justice.
Like Tariq said, if you're not black you're white.
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Monday, 25-Sep-2023 18:38:40 JST istván -
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Monday, 25-Sep-2023 18:21:13 JST istván -
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Monday, 25-Sep-2023 18:21:12 JST istván @Hoss @dcc Don't neglect early career jewelry.
Nothing says danger like a chain of your victims' teeth set in gold.
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Sunday, 24-Sep-2023 22:20:43 JST istván I love converting FLAC to 256K MP3 because it makes people so incredibly angry.
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Monday, 18-Sep-2023 11:55:59 JST istván That bear has seen some serious shit.
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Wednesday, 13-Sep-2023 01:19:34 JST istván @noyoushutthefuckupdad Do they not teach this in school anymore?
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Tuesday, 05-Sep-2023 01:28:46 JST istván @graf @eriner @jeffcliff I follow Jeff as a forever reminder that there really are people out there who think that.
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Tuesday, 05-Sep-2023 01:01:43 JST istván @IAMAL_PHARIUS @Zerglingman @jeffcliff Seems to be.
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Tuesday, 05-Sep-2023 00:58:23 JST istván @jeffcliff Who blocked who?
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Monday, 04-Sep-2023 13:39:22 JST istván @coolboymew Pokimane without the makeup looks 100% like the child of Gail Chord Schuller.
If I was Brent Spiner I would be scared to encounter her at a con.
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Thursday, 31-Aug-2023 18:04:43 JST istván @p @sjw @admin @phnt @not_br549 @r000t @splitshockvirus @parker @graf @john_rando @verita84 @MisterRogersSnapped @Moon Entertain God and your ass will follow.
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Thursday, 31-Aug-2023 18:04:35 JST istván @p @sjw @admin @phnt @not_br549 @r000t @splitshockvirus @parker @graf @john_rando @verita84 @Moon Didn’t God say the CIA has to surrender to IRA?
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Wednesday, 30-Aug-2023 20:50:55 JST istván @p @sjw @admin @phnt @not_br549 @r000t @splitshockvirus @parker @graf @john_rando @verita84 @Moon
> they should have knocked over some of the CP-friendly instances by now
Why would FBI knock over CIA?
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Monday, 21-Aug-2023 13:25:39 JST istván @Zerglingman Bookmarked to check back one day if I decide to self host.
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Sunday, 20-Aug-2023 20:30:42 JST istván @Zerglingman I’m just taking a break for now.
Try a different strategy and see if I get different results. Also wait and see if the software gets any less shitty (if you are going to dream, may as well dream big).
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Sunday, 20-Aug-2023 19:47:24 JST istván @Zerglingman North Korea probably doesn’t look bad if you have never seen pictures of anything outside North Korea.
Sometime people never see what they are missing because they were born under the wrong dictator.
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Sunday, 20-Aug-2023 19:40:15 JST istván @Zerglingman If it’s a shitpost account it isn’t.
When you are doing other things you want to make accessible to all and the castrated cadres who control the Rainbow Curtain decided to block it… that’s annoying.
I don’t see the point to self host if the only thing I’m hosting is the shitpost account. So I will try for different accounts on different servers for different purposes and see how it works.
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Sunday, 20-Aug-2023 00:03:55 JST istván Giving up on the self hosting after four years. No point when blocked even if you do not engage... Better to just be part of a community.