@DW2@professionalbigot69@EssentialUtinsil@Shlomo@Zealist The only guy that works overtime in my department is married, all the other guys leave as soon as the shift ends. 99% of the time if you work overtime it’ll just be women there.
@WashedOutGundamPilot@mao_yat Except the population cohort gets smaller and smaller every generation as birth rates decline. So eventually all the older men are going to keep taking a larger and larger % of the young guy’s (similarly aged) women. I say let’s keep this fucker going, I’d love to see what happens when 70% of men 18-30 are all incels.
@Fullmetal4456 Zoomers have been set up for failure from basically birth, I honestly find it trite how much they get mocked by older men. This isn’t to say you should put up with retarded zoomer-isms, but I bet most of these men would be in a similar position if they were born in 2009 and only had a chronically single GURLPOWERR divorcee mother as their singular authority figure in life. We should be showing them what not to do, and what to do instead to be better, stronger men.
Can’t say anything beyond may God render appropriate judgement to all these living pieces of shit responsible for this, and trying to cover it up when they’re gone.
If covid showed you anything, it’s that the TEEVEE could whip about half the country into a hysterical frenzy about anything in less than 2 weeks. Rwandan-tier genocide within a month.
@merchantHelios Fair it is a bit exaggerated, but it’s not like you saw these sorts of disasters in the 90s and 80s anywhere near this often. The maintenance infrastructure has been in place for decades, and while the specific details might change year to year as new models of engines go online, the core of what has to be done to keep a train running doesn’t change that much.
The “Global Superpower” that can’t even maintain 100+ year old technology. Just wait till the power plants start going down on a regular basis in 5 years. In 10 years you’ll be lucky your water is drinkable if you live in a city.
@WashedOutGundamPilot@meowski One of the worst boomer-isms is the obsession with MUH MILITARY. Cops arrest people for saying the N-word, you think the military is any different because you were a 88M back in ‘83 and it was filled with patriotic white men? The military has been purging it’s ideological enemies (i.e. WHITE MEN) for decades. It’s a lost cause.
This is a boomer Q-anon tier fantasy. You do know the vast majority of officers and generals in the military are explicitly anti-white? If MARTIAL LAW ever happened, it’s 200000x more likely they’ll be drone striking drumpf supporters in Arkansas and Montana for being ‘domestic terrorist’ over arresting any members of the same deep-state complex that pays their high government salary. Even when Trump was president the military regularly lied to him, refused to give him the nuclear football, and didn’t tell him relevant intelligence information out of “fear” he would do something the regime didn’t want. You are either profoundly retarded or coping to an insane degree. Get your face out of your ass and recognize the reality that there is no ‘reform’ via the political process.
@WashedOutGundamPilot@Punished_Potatus It’s a perfect encapsulation of ZOG as a whole, the regime hasn’t had “gas in the tank” since WWII, and we’ve had the low fuel light on for the past 20 years, running on fumes.
@WashedOutGundamPilot If in 1984 you told some random dude off the street that in 2023:
Very few young people can afford homes You will be fired from your job for saying things the government doesn't like Police can kill you for any reason without repercussions The government is spying on your computer, telephone, etc. TV is highly regulated and controlled to the point all news programs are propaganda Our roads are falling apart and cars fall apart after 5 years We just recently lost a nearly 20 year long war in afghanistan Wages have declined for the past 20+ years US Gov just printed 40% of all money in existence in the past year alone
They would rightfully assume communists had taken over and we lost
@merchantHelios The average man isn’t anywhere near as narrcissistic or solipsistic to think a retard’s random observation of theirs is an untapped, unobserved gem of human relations.