Notices by Nekobit (
Nekobit ('s status on Saturday, 30-Dec-2023 04:50:55 JST Nekobit
@mint @mja @allison @sun_eater @ovivu @meso I always appreciate that inner sentiment of the net. I really liked finding about this network because I recognized some faces and learned of new personalities that I wouldn't have. Arguably social media is gay but i think fedi took the gay out of the idea of social media for me a little bit (except for the twitterfags and all the mastodon shit, i tried to be ignorant but when some of you faggots talk about it EVERY day it saturated it for me). Unfortunately the net is fast, and if you seclude yourself in it for a little bit you get extremely burnt out. I'm not sure how that works for some guys who can stay on everyday consistently until you're 35 (sounds like pure internet addiction), or maybe my own depression comes in, but I can't look at this shit for longer than I used to. -
Nekobit ('s status on Wednesday, 27-Dec-2023 15:06:35 JST Nekobit
@mint @alex Its still impressive to me how much everyone can fuck up a shitty clone of email. -
Nekobit ('s status on Wednesday, 20-Dec-2023 00:59:57 JST Nekobit
i am just about tired of seeing boobs i don't want to see those boobs anymore i am a little burnt out on the boobs -
Nekobit ('s status on Monday, 04-Dec-2023 08:17:06 JST Nekobit
Does something seem a little off about fedi recently? -
Nekobit ('s status on Saturday, 02-Dec-2023 02:35:10 JST Nekobit
Waifu please leave me alone -
Nekobit ('s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:22:44 JST Nekobit
@FrailLeaf For openbsd, check the FAQ on the site, its like a mini handbook in the sense. OpenBSD *heavily* encourages manpages (arguably some of the best documentation for any OS out there), but the FAQ is a good "get started" for people warming up. In the bsd world though manpages are always pretty damn fine, openbsd and netbsd have the best ones, freebsds are pretty good but they focus more on the "handbook" but net/open focus a TON more on man page quality.
Contrast to Linux though? Same situation as git, horribly verbose and shit documentation, rarely even incomplete ive found. Youd think the bigger OS would have better documentation but even Windows has better documentation than Linux -
Nekobit ('s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:22:43 JST Nekobit
@FrailLeaf If you want a desktop experience, OpenBSD is definitely more of a niche/acquired taste, and most people who use it often use window managers like cwm but there are XFCE users. FreeBSD definitely is much better like an "all-rounder", i imagine you may like it a little bit more since its more welcoming to Linux users and it has a little more work on stuff like drivers and compatibility with stuff likr 32 bit, wine, and linux compat (barely, but technically works with Steam too). It also supports ZFS, a very damn good filesystem, maybe one of the best even compared against btrfs
IMO if you really want a solid desktop experience, dual boot Linux or Windows (& Linux) alongside a bsd of your choice. I try to do almost everything in a BSD because i love how snappy and stable and consistent it is :happyday:, but Linux is for games and stuff and Windows is for testing software and some games for me. The BSDs are my programming and web browsing/email OS aka productive stuff, because they do that just about perfectly.
Oh one more niche about the bsd's. Some of the best damn package management systems in my life. They all use the ports system, which is like from source compiling, but they also have binary package management, pkg fbsd, pkg_add + friends obsd, pkgin nbsd -
Nekobit ('s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:22:41 JST Nekobit
@FrailLeaf Yeah for that its just outright incredible, mainly programming wise. You can do programming for any BSD just fine. Tmux, mg (small emacs clone), pf firewall (one of the best firewalls out there actually), OpenSSH, and stuff are actually stock openbsd tools if youre that kind of guy. Coding is on par if not better sometimes than Linux, esp with great documentation (but thats just C). All the bsd's come with Clang by default over gcc.
Java is installed sir no doubt, but i have found just a few Java sir libraries in my life that are "portable" (windows, mac, linux only) and sometimes for stupid reasons like simply doing an OS check for "Linux" before doing "Unix" things. In your case likely not if ever is this an issue (ive only found it to be a freebsd issue actually, as some java libraries like lwjgl3 are sanely ported already so people can play Minecraft on openbsd), and the latter case is a sign of a shit java library that probably calls the sh executable or other retarded shit that shouldnt depend on "Linux", you can even fake it too thanks to java env stuff, which sometimes even works. If it can play Minecraft natively then you'll be all good for java programming
The steam thing is funny though, Openbsd doesnt support 32 bit compat on 64 bit cpus (for very good reason), but the only notable software that comes to mind is Steam. Why they are still 32 bit in the year of our lord 2023 and now 2024 is far beyond me. Just keep windows for games, it all works.
Anyway yeah just learn, peep docs, unlike Linux youll never tack onto shit like Stackoverflow, everything is clean and documented and community is helpful if you have a question that manpages and stuff don't answer. Learn tools like fdisk and disklabel (they work together) if you want to dual boot, wscons (the xfce port is very well done and youll probably never actually touch wscons, still good to know) and those other "different" things. I just apropos, whatis, and man all the time when learning the OS, but sometimes web searches help :happyday: Its my favorite OS alongside Linux, expect the rambling -
Nekobit ('s status on Monday, 27-Nov-2023 09:27:42 JST Nekobit
@cowanon @dcc @GolfCartLady @JeffTheJoker @FrailLeaf You guys act more reddit than what you mock -
Nekobit ('s status on Monday, 27-Nov-2023 00:07:31 JST Nekobit
@Red_Hat > Its okay to be white
No it's not. White people are the disease of America. Fat fucks come in demanding 6 bags of cheetos and little debbie cakes and diet cokes. White people do nothing but waste all our resources, order doordash and fast food, and hog up lines at stores and drink coffee all day and Larp online as lolicunny1488, while latinx, asian women, and black people singlehandedly carry America.
The white race failed, you will never have children nor will you buy a house. Our only good president was a black one. Checkmate, Nazi 😏 -
Nekobit ('s status on Wednesday, 22-Nov-2023 08:20:56 JST Nekobit
@nishi what a splendid forum, i will join tonight! -
Nekobit ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Nov-2023 16:36:25 JST Nekobit
@a7 Wow youre just like lain lmao! -
Nekobit ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Nov-2023 12:59:56 JST Nekobit
@dcc >Just a gate some can't passed
But you sure were quick to jump to the conclusion? It tells me more about yourself if anything. Lots of people especially in sysadmin fields don't have time to actually prod up slackware in production unless they're really bored. Lucky I'm bored, but just because some guy uses Debian or even Ubuntu doesnt mean hes lul epic fail loser linux newfag because he doesnt want to install a billion sources by hand -
Nekobit ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Nov-2023 12:59:21 JST Nekobit
@dcc >5 lines are all you need
Unless you are wanting to prod for updates and any dependencies. You DO realize that this also replaces all of your system, post install, and basically kind of impurifies the concept of slackware64.... now you have a mess from an (un)official repo. It seems so fragmented when using it. The fact is encourages installing 16gb of everything or "manually prodding through hundreds of tools" is also annoying. Not to mention how slackware groups its default packagebase. I still dont understand why slackware over gentoo or something even. Sure, slackware isnt really a distribution in a "literal" sense, but it hardly feels like a true bsd-like to me in the modern sense, especially when you suggested it to me... those systems have tight-knit communities and packages where as slackware just had 4 types of things scattered and "endorsed" by Pat. Messy.
Slackbuilds ... the repo? I see, but i meant the build system format. There is nothing special or unique about it that I know of. -
Nekobit ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Nov-2023 12:39:39 JST Nekobit
@dcc I did install slack. Very easy install actually. Painless even. Nothing to brag about even so, why the hell are you gloating that? Never mentioned install issues, just that it sucked when I got it working.
>its fine tunable
Then why do i need to install another dependency handler called slackpkg+ because i simply want multilib support? Sure its fine tunable. I can turn my debian install into anything by removing apt and building my own tarballs. Why do you actually use this piece of shit distro? inb4 dont manage dependencies. Why dont you want to manage dependencies so badly? Why go through the pain of just updating one package and then updating the libraries by hand? Seems tedious and pointless.
Everything you just mentioned as to why you use slackware (32 bit? lmao, literal hack) can be done on any distro ever. In fact most genuine slackware users seem to use it for simplicity and learning purposes but the rest moved on it seems. Crux is like slack but saner and cleaned up to me, hence im installing it. Or ill just go with Debian and pray that Apt doesnt rape me beyond repair. Slackbuilds??? nigga... how do you think even Arch works lmao
>The OS has its own docs inside it
yeah so do many others
If my OS needs a forked dependency handler to be functional than why bother with it. Sounds like an issue with slack itself -
Nekobit ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Nov-2023 12:00:10 JST Nekobit
@dcc Are you calling me an Arch user as an insult? (i dont use arch? i wanted a bsd-like distro)... Explain Why this shit has a hacked up installer that tells you to install everything and if you dont you have to siphon through a million things, not to mention a shit ton of typos and issues in the wiki pages, just seems like a poor distro overall. Ah, let me guess, you use Slackware because you don't want systemd or some other retarded nothing reasons that people on the internet / youtube dogshit told you about? Wouldn't surprise me. -
Nekobit ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Nov-2023 11:46:30 JST Nekobit
@dcc what -
Nekobit ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Nov-2023 11:43:59 JST Nekobit
@dcc i installed slackware and it fucking sucks ass sorry -
Nekobit ('s status on Sunday, 19-Nov-2023 21:14:57 JST Nekobit
@MoeBritannica 😅😆😆 So true haha, take my f-ing upvote my man of culture! -
Nekobit ('s status on Sunday, 19-Nov-2023 12:24:43 JST Nekobit
@TheMadPirate @coolboymew Oh sorry about that. Seconds times the charm