The only subway system where I live is some abandoned one that only Urban Explorers go to. They will never build it because everyone who keeps running is more focused on bullshit like handouts and issues of the month.
There are many American cities like this with no subway system and nobody wants to pay for it.
When there aren't fights or other crazy incidents, your wagie boss wants you in on the dot exactly and the bus is late again (this happened at an old job of mine). Every single wagie job wants "reliable transportation".
In hindsight, this was the official moment in which the furry fandom was no longer about talking animals, period.
Zoe Quinn was very, very infamous for latching herself to trendy shit in an attempt for a grasp of fame (like a lot of other e-celebs online). Eventually it became trendy that one day, if you wanted to be the coolest kid in trendy Twitter circles you could be a furry.
So attention seekers like Zoe Quinn or Ana Valens decided to identify as such, maybe a year or so after the whole political schism (kicked off by the poster of that image, Deo) began. It didn't take long for much of the autists who stuck around to finally be replaced by who the older fandom had deemed "furry lifestylers" at best (attention seekers who wanted to LARP as an animal or buy into a lifestyle).
But all of this goes back years obviously, due to the fact that the furry fandom literally has zero gatekeeping mechanism and the only one it pretends to have is political in nature. What are they gonna do, complain online?
Erin Reed used to be a drug dealer too, and a massive fucking drug addict. The article talks about how his life was "ruined", but after coming out as trans he's only fallen upwards and has managed to date another troon state congressman.
I should add, someone I knew years ago who suddenly decided "I'm a girl this is my heckin true valid identity" also had a burning hatred for women and had Adam Lanza tier antinatalism views. Then suddenly in an attempt to fit in, he decided he was a true and honest girl and redirected his burning hatred towards everyone in the world who didn't go along with it.
I'm sure that society giving women lots of benefits for being born female doesn't help things. There are a lot of troons who think "if I become girl I'll get ass pats and my problems will go away", and then one day the mask slips...
Why do you think the feminists love to call them incels?
do the paw shakerblocked by 6 million bad mastodon instances that won't tell you who they're blockingjoin the freezone (tm) and leave your prison, and run your own pleroma instance today