@Nepiant No, they're what the casual Japanese have cursed us with, rather than getting good and being able to post Unicode artwork; (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ (✿◠‿◠) (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ ┻━┻︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻
@nyanide Old? GNU ed 1.20.2 Copyright (C) 1994 Andrew L. Moore. Copyright (C) 2024 Antonio Diaz Diaz. License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
If you want to recommend an activator, the only moral way to do that would be to advise that you should install GNU/Linux instead, but if someone is set on surrendering their freedom, you can advise the activator so microsoft doesn't get more money.
Recommending the "purchase" of windows keys is always immoral, no matter how cheap the keys are.
Lucifer was an angel that apparently asked god a question that he didn't like and thus fell, but really afterwards he went around being gods helper, tempting Jesus and killing the entire family of some innocent guy with permission of god.
The thing about the devil corrupting people at random is fanfiction that doesn't match what the bible says.
I don't believe I'm the one corrupted by "the devil", considering I didn't threaten to murder anyone.
@MK2boogaloo@lucy >Just look at sources regarding Julius Caesar. Those sources detail things that are entirely plausible and believable.
>reading books instead of being a Linuxtard. I'm a GNUvance.
>God is just and great, not the world. What kind of great god, perfectly capable of making the world great, decides to make a not-great world?
>also try calling this police chief with mean words Stallman said about Jesus. I bet he's going to get you in jail. I don't believe Stallman has said any mean words about Jesus - he has said that god should be impeached and well he does appear to be quite an incredible tyrant.
A police chief in any decent country doesn't have the power to throw someone in jail for saying mean words - at most they can order officers to arrest such individual.
>The source you gave has this picture, try reading instead of drinking soy. I didn't see it as the chart was small. I was looking at the number of listed Laureates.
Nobel prizes are somewhat arbitrarily awarded, handed out at pretty much random, ignoring many people who played part in the discoveries and also many discoveries.
It wouldn't surprise me if Christians preferred handing out awards to other Christians.
>Words will never defeat action, if you think we're psychotic losers then so be it, Words are much more useful than pointless murderous action.
>at least your opinion would matter when there's a lead inside of your head. If you intend to murder me with lead for being correct - too bad, I'm putting 12 inside you first.
@MK2boogaloo@lucy >that's called proof buddy, computers don't really exist back then how are you going to archive stuff if not by writing them down huh? If it's true, you generally write it down at the same time it happened.
>Yes, you can't make fun of something so great and just. The world is in no way just.
If it was so great and just, it would be impossible to make fun of.
>Try doing that to your local police chief, or gang leader, see how they're going to react. A local police chief or gang leader will not punish you for eternity - a decent police chief won't care, although a gang leader may respond violently.
>That's so great, where is this great machine you're talking of? Have you heard of combine harvesters? They can run GNU/Linux or systemd/Linux for mapping and routing etc.
@MK2boogaloo@lucy >He fed thousands of people with limited resources, won against death itself and gave men eternal life. Long after his death, people wrote books about him doing those things - quite interesting don't you think?
>he would just eat everything, die soon because of diabetes, and go to hell for making fun of God. rms does not have diabetes.
What a great and just god - eternal punishment for making fun of him?
>| want to see how C compiler is to helping feed people at least With a free C compiler, you can write software that optimists/assists the mass planting and harvesting of crops without proprietary masters getting in the way.
>those people who achieve many great things are mostly Christians Citation needed.
>would smack Stallman instantly for his gaytheistic take. Christians would react violently to speech? What a peaceful religion.
Jesus was a man of religion and it appears that he did sometimes give good advice, but I'm not sure he could have possibly done much to help people individually.
Stallman meanwhile did many, many things, including writing the first usable free C compiler, which helped other people achieve many great things.
>even spending time on the projects they were trying to get done or progress in the first place You run the command, go back to working on whatever projects and come back later when it's finished compiling.
If the software is any good, compiling and installing it is as trivial as; ./configure <build flags, or just go with the defaults> make -j$(nproc) sudo make install
If libraries are missing, configure will tell you what's missing and then you just install the missing libraries.
It's very easy on Gentoo-libre, as a fair amount of software is packaged and even if it isn't packaged, you just grab the source, install any libraries via emerge and then compile it.
Sometimes packages sadly use buildsystems instead of GNU autools, but it's usually not that much harder really; mkdir build cd build cmake .. make -j$(nproc) sudo make install
You probably shouldn't use computers if you are unable to do something as trivial as compile software that is already written.
[[[ To any NSA, CIA & FBI agents reading my profile; please consider ]]][[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]][[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]Free software extremist who enjoys freedom and posting ですぅ.Please don't confuse me with an "open source" supporter ですぅ.GNU+Jihad against proprietary and "open source" software ですぅぅぅぅぅぅ!!!ⓘ User is part of an online terrorist organization.ですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅですぅです