@coolboymew > I'm fine with all the soap at home Still you should try it imo, I never would have thought that soap would make such a change in my "fungi" issue.
>the issue is the water, I agree, chlorine is really an issue.
>paper not at home You mean like paper printer ? Or paper for hand wiping ?
@coolboymew I really urge you to get some, since I switched to that what I fought of been skin eating fungi was just an allergic reaction to the crap that industrial soap manufactrers add then their products.
@coolboymew You should try them imo, these aren't petrol extract at least. If it they don't work just use what you already use.
Have you also looked for cold made soap ? They have a minimum of 5% super fat which makes them extremely good to hydrate the skin.
Superfat is extra oils in it compared to the amount of lie you normally add, that way, not only you're 100% sure to not get burns but you also get extra moisturised skin. I'm pretty certain you'll find someone in your region that makes them with organic ingredients. https://tube.raccoon.quest/watch?v=cI6D3kbAb40
@coolboymew@Hyperhidrosis https://www.plus-saine-la-vie.com/sante/quest-ce-que-le-syndrome-gaps-syndrome-enteropsychologique/ "Le syndrome de l’intestin et de la psychologie (syndrome GAPS) est une affection qui établit un lien entre les fonctions du système digestif et du cerveau. Ce terme a été créé par le Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, (neurologue et nutritionniste) en 2004 après avoir travaillé avec des centaines d’enfants et d’adultes atteints de troubles neurologiques et psychiatriques tels que troubles du spectre autistique (TDAH/TDA), schizophrénie, dyslexie, dyspraxie, dépression, trouble obsessionnel-compulsif, trouble bipolaire et autres problèmes neuropsychologiques et psychiatriques." Et ça va beaucoup plus loin que juste ça.