Notices by duke (, page 2
I did my familial duties and hung out for the first half of a super bowl party with some close relatives.
I have come to the conclusion that American "culture" must be destroyed entirely.
There's a bit at the end of the Turner Diaries where Pierce is talking about the multiple cities wiped entirely off the map by the nuclear exchange near the conclusion of the story, and while he laments the loss of white lives, he objects in no uncertain terms to the framing of those caught in the crossfire as "innocents", as NOBODY who willingly participates in such a system can truly lay claim to that title.
Everyone I know is watching this game right now. A meaningful number of them would agree with 90% of what I post here, but they're yelling at the fucking television and soaking in the halftime show anyway.
Is this the pot calling the kettle black? Absolutely. I'm a hypocrite too, though I try. But nobody is MAKING people slurp this shit up like pigs from a trough. No guns have been held to any heads yet.
What can possibly fucking be done for someone who can't give up something as fucking trivial as football when the helmets say "Black Lives Matter" on them and every second ad is either an interracial couple or faggots? What will they do when the rubber REALLY hits the road.
Nothing. They'll do fucking nothing.
The niggerball aspect of the whole spectacle was as expected, but EVERYTHING ELSE was worse than I could have ever imagined.
The 9/11 cultism, the outright fawning worship of foreigners, the military, and literal retards, the preening about muh racisms, the explicitly demonic advertisements.
Nuke us, we deserve it, I don't fucking care. I mean that.
@DEERBLOOD @bronze @Kazak
now I, on the other hand, would wife that up any day of the week and twice on Sunday lol
Sensitive Artsy Types for Hitler
don't let your dreams be dreams, king
What if we just started hanging journalists?
@professionalbigot69 @WashedOutGundamPilot
Scott Vrilgrim
@coin @s8n
I've met niggers of many races
all blacks are niggers, but not all niggers are black - sort of a square / rectangle situation
joke: burning books
woke: burning academics
would not shock me
there's no other good reason for a lot of it
"how can we continue extracting economic value from people with fucking ALZHEIMER'S" is probably my favorite part of this nightmare
thanks, jew
@WashedOutGundamPilot @CatLord
literally ONLY pay money for media if it's produced by our guys
I will make an exception for used books because kindles are big gay
that's it and that's all
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Hikari @monsterislandcolonizer
yeah that's one of the last pieces of "fun" tech design I remember
sort of reminiscent of the G3 Macs in that there was no good reason to make it work that way other than that is was fucking fun and felt cool to use
a better time
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Hikari @monsterislandcolonizer
I just like BUTTONS, man
the other reason I liked those LGs though is that it was a hinge instead of a slider. MUCH more durable in my experience.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Hikari @monsterislandcolonizer
that's what I'm saying
unironically this was the best mobile device I've ever carried
keyboard was FAST and felt great to type on, big wide screen when open, and closed it was basically just a normal nokia-style candybar phone
@Hikari @monsterislandcolonizer
and neither of those is the LG env2 so idk what this post is even about really
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