This is where you have missed the point again, and I have covered this before. I go into a room with my friends and I say hello to them and I talk to them and then you come into the room and ask why it isn't a stadium and why there are no megaphones and jumbotrons and then say that the people in the room are a tiny, self-marginalized group. It is possible to type a thing into a computer and not intend to use that thing to get rich and famous but just to communicate with friends. This is you being oblivious.
> Not surprisingly, all the members of the band were related to industry people.
> people get nostalgic about from the 1990s is the stuff we desperately tried to avoid (Soundgarden, Nirvana, REM themselves an edgy bourgeois captive rebellion against Madonna, Springsteen, and Def Leppard).
Ough. Augh.
I will say that I do like "Black Hole Sun". But bringing those guys up made me remember the fuckin' Stone Temple Pilots and the 311 and the Weezer and then I got mad, all the shitty bands that you couldn't escape. Radio killed the radio star.
I am not a huge fan of Superdrag, but I will say, like, they had their their one-hit but then the album after that was them burning the studio as savagely as they could, and that is a respectable activity. (Respectable enough that I listened to it. I didn't like it, but I still did appreciate the burn.)
> Now the normies are doing it again, but with the internet.
I'd say Gab and Nice Crew Dot Digital are the edgy normies, but tastes vary. You will get no argument from me about mastodong social being
> Idk tho man, they used to really set the agenda in terms of what got radio access and such.
You still need a UPC to get onto Spotify and unless you get the label's blessing, you don't get promoted: you need someone to screw you over for money if you want to get money.
> Might be my personal tastes as a bias but I say good riddance.
Yeah, the radio sucks. I haven't listened in a long time; I don't know how MKULTRA stays plugged into that stuff (Youtube, probably), but I think he's been my main exposure to popular music in recent years.
@PurpCat@dcc@ins0mniak I was barely plugged into popular music *in* the 90s and I have only gotten worse; I had no idea that Linkinback Against the Park was a girl now.
D.H. Peligro OD'd on fentanyl, though, which is some shit right there.
@PurpCat@dcc@ins0mniak I should have picked a different band but Rage Against the Machine is the perfect illustration of some dickheads posing as the face of a movement that would, if it were serious and successful, result in the record label execs being lined up against the wall. Those record label execs sold Rage Against the Machine albums because they want to cover the segments of the market that were not buying AC/DC and Metallica or Snoop or whoever else was in the Top 40 back then.
No, it's worse now: . He has some other commentary about why music stagnated (record labels have gotten too reliant on post-production tools and thus the bands are just faces and the songs are all written by the same guys that wrote the chart-toppers in the 90s and then beatdetective'd/autotuned until they sound like a drum machine.)
One interesting bit from that video is that now Spotify is AI-generating music based on what is popular.
> I mean you can buy socks at the mall you cant go there for your rebellion.
Luckily, there is a new crop of teenagers every year and they are all willing to believe that their consumption patterns will change the world.
Adults do this too. My favorite one recently was when all of the Nascar motherfuckers got mad at Bud Light and switched other beers also produced by AB InBev.
The point was that a major record label is willing to sell you anything, same shit with a different skin, even if that skin says "The record label is terrible!" Motherfuckers getting rich selling Che shirts aren't mad that they are selling a commie icon to teenagers that hate capitalism: they are making money selling Che shirts.
@ins0mniak@dcc He was the big push towards autocracy and centralization, same shit he said he was going to do, and he was one man in a group, so his wife and their friends carried out the same plan after he died: the World Bank, the IMF, all set up as part of the U.N., with Rockefeller and Carnegie and Rothschild and Bernays and Dulles--all of the worst people that were alive at the time, all of this right on the Wikipedia page--setting up the thing that has been trying to completely hose human autonomy for nearly a century, part of the movement for global "scientific" governance: eugenics, absolute terror of a Malthusian catastrophe, the global financial system for exercising soft power, all of it, same source, same people's names on all of the documents. The people that funded both sides of the Chinese civil war in the 40s, the people that funded the USSR, and here they are setting up the global banking system and publishing the UDHR and all of that. Look at the IMF and the World Bank in Africa, that's been a complete disaster and it's not an accident.
So, like, sure, he hosed Japan, but he hosed everyone alive today, and we put him on our money. People shit themselves if you give their sacred cow the side-eye. "You probably love Hitler and hate unions!"
Anyway, politics on the internet, I will be here all night if I keep this up. I gotta finish fixing my mail server and shit so I can resume making money.
@ins0mniak@dcc Man, you really think that guy thinks there is a Jesus? Did he ever act like he's expecting Judgment Day? That's the line Michael Moore gave, "He thinks he's Joan of Arc!" and really he was not any different in terms of foreign/domestic policy than Clinton, and Obama was not any different from W. It is like Rage Against the Machine: the record label is happy to sell the same shit with a different skin.
The reason was they were waiting to do it since forever and 9/11 was a convenient excuse, because it's part of the plan since the turn of the 20th century.
@djsumdog I think it's mostly wikkypedos that do that, but I pop in there once in a while when it is about a topic that people have invested in.
It is entirely possible, because almost no one ever checks the history page, to just edit Wikipedia to support your point and let them revert it after the other internet arguer has viewed the page. If you go to an obscure page, you can see this kind of thing happening.
Alt of a , if you even believe that.If I'm posting here, it's usually because FSE is down. FSE is down for a while, here's what's happening: , .I am working on Revolver: (Also the blog is down right now. Hilarious!)