You ever read Brave New World? Alcohol and Cannabis are our world's Soma. When the State regulates substances that help you escape from the reality they have created, or at least be at peace with it, you should question the benefits.
I'm more in the camp of banning sale, but allowing people to grow themselves. You then become the cultivator, not the consumer.
Although food/drugs/substances are a pretty small aspect of socialite cohesion and control, movies are another:
We're entering a world of only extremes. People looked at Voat/Poal as an extreme, but with Reddit banning literally all wrong-think, they've also become equally as extreme.
The fediverse will always have this split. It's impossible not to get banned by one group or another, so long as you offer any discussion of substantive value.
It's no longer even about left and right. It's about different fundamental beliefs about the nature of reality.
was it a kiwifarmer that took out clairebear on chudbuds by getting her to run a random pack of minekraft mods from a zip file on angel fire? ... if not they had (probably still have) a thread dedicated to it with all the exploit code and downloads to her nudes.
Universal use of gender neutral pronouns is favorable for the development of an equitable society
How? How exactly does this make a more “equitable” society?
regardless of whether or not you believe there are people who experience life differently
It is a huge cognitive burden to coddle weak people with serious mental defects and lowers the standard for our entire civilization as a whole. It is a new religious faith that the believers are making everyone follow by shame, law and force.
This is a much bigger deal than you think it is. It is about the future of our civilization. Words have to fucking mean something.
I've fine with calling someone a she if it looks like a she, or call someone a he if it looks like a he ... but if someone doesn't put in any effort other than a butterfly comb in his hair and expect to be called "she," ... that's honestly just prissy and selfish.
Nothing out of reach. I wonder how this would be implemented. Would the UK require Google/Apple to not allow apps like Signal and Element in their app stores for the UK? Will they drop routes to Signal's servers?
I think him, Lemon and even the O'keefe thing happening so close together is telling. Getting rid of Lemon was probably to maintain so imitation of balance, as the investors and government agencies with their claws in all the media giants just want certain ideas and patterns gone.
I don't like Musk, but it was literally the largest payload rocket ever built, and their only success criteria was launch plus a few kilometers. They exceeded their goals, and it's the first crash they've had in a few years ... some haters just gotta hate