Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2023 20:50:37 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
Combat vet faggot. -
Xenophon :demon_wojak: ('s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2023 20:50:36 JST Xenophon :demon_wojak:
He thinks that a bunch of rednecks are going to hold up in a compound somewhere and get hellfire missiled from 30,000 feet. What he doesn't think will happen is the man down the street will do exactly what you just said.
Me, I'm a law respecter, and I want to live a peaceful life. I don't know why these animals are so jazzed to kill their fellow americans.Machismo repeated this. -
Owl ('s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2023 20:50:36 JST Owl
“Their fellow Americans.”
This is a long conversation but let me breach it a bit by starting with, they don’t view you as ‘fellow’ anything.
Ame ('s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2023 20:50:37 JST Ame
@Xenophon This assclown's going to end up shot in the back of the head while he's taking out the trash, should things kick off. His neighbors see the shit he's saying. Even the moderate ones who aren't necessarily right-leaning don't want that shit going on near their families. -
CEO of Monoeye Dating ('s status on Monday, 12-Jun-2023 02:08:46 JST CEO of Monoeye Dating
@teknomunk @teknomunk @Humpleupagus @Marielle_Redclaw @Xenophon If I had to make a guess how such a scenario might play out, it would look something like this:
-ZOG begins wardrumming against average US citizens, claiming that they're all secretly terrorists or something
-This is used to internationally justify killing random citizens <- You are here, given what's happening in the OP
-They do begin killing random citizens
-In response, small groups of poorly-armed, but tight-knit rebels, start covertly committing relatively minor acts of retribution against the system - most likely by attacking undefended infrastructure. ZOG is forced to play whack-a-mole, but it imprisons members of such groups and destroys them (either by murder or imprisonment).
-A few figure out how to reach out for foreign assistance (for example from Russia or China)
*Assume temporarily that enough such groups succeed at reaching out for help.
-Foreign assistance allows them to train and get better equipment - but most importantly, to coordinate.
-Now that the rebels are properly trained - after a few years of slow build-up - a long and slow guerilla war between the US military and US citizens begins.
-The US military fucking fails because it's a guerilla war fought by civilians in the homeland - that is an impossible scenario.
*Victory for either party is met at the above asterisk.
-A rebel victory is played out above - lots of the cells above figure out how to contact Russia/China and get the skills they need. In this situation US infrastructure crumbles to bits, but globohomo is crippled and the US can't project power for decades.
-A ZOG victory plays out if they play whack-a-mole well enough, or if they interrupt the cells from getting help. In this situation the US kills most of the white population, and *then* begins to rot to death under the weight of niggers...again crippling globohomo, but having successfully killed a bunch of white people. -
sapphire ('s status on Monday, 12-Jun-2023 02:08:46 JST sapphire
@ceo_of_monoeye_dating @teknomunk @Humpleupagus @Xenophon @Marielle_Redclaw You have a really wrong baseline assumption here in that you think it’ll ever be resolved. Country is massive and there are just too many places for GOBs to hide. Remember it took 20 years to track down kaczynski and he was just a college dork sending mail through US government systems.
If anything ever pops off it’ll be like Japan in WWII but on a continental scale, they’ll be finding clans of violent redneck defectors deep innawoods for centuries -
CEO of Monoeye Dating ('s status on Monday, 12-Jun-2023 02:08:47 JST CEO of Monoeye Dating
@teknomunk @teknomunk @Humpleupagus @Xenophon @Marielle_Redclaw I agree, but the above means that things play out differently than they do in the standard argument, right?
The standard argument goes something like: "In US Civil War 2, large chunks of the military desert and this cripples the US." If this is minimized, then a lot of things that are taken as given in that scenario just don't play out. For example, they claim that Russia helps the rebels - if there's no clear military rebel force and things look a lot more like "the military just starts executing random civilians," then Russian intervention is less likely.
I don't have armchair general chops, but I think that this topic should be discussed anew in light of the shifting demographic makeup of our military. Ideally with actually decent armchair generals in the thread, rather than just "some guy who points out that one of the assumptions from last time might be false." -
teknomunk ('s status on Monday, 12-Jun-2023 02:08:49 JST teknomunk
@ceo_of_monoeye_dating @Humpleupagus @Xenophon @Marielle_Redclaw Perhaps, but the demographic they are actively trying to sideline are far more competent at killing, far less likely to skimp on maintenance and training and far more likely to not pawn off equipment on the black market for extra beer money that the replacements. -
🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘 ('s status on Monday, 12-Jun-2023 02:08:50 JST 🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘
I think a major factor he's missing is that in civil wars a portion of the military usually splits off with weapons and supply lines that they share with citizens who share their political goals. -
CEO of Monoeye Dating ('s status on Monday, 12-Jun-2023 02:08:50 JST CEO of Monoeye Dating
@Humpleupagus @Xenophon @Marielle_Redclaw I'm beginning to wonder, actually.
Right wing people are sort of...not joining the military any more. Why would they fight for a country that hates them, right? However, the people who still join up are...well, they're either desperate people who can't get a job, or happy slaves for globohomo.
The dynamic in civil wars is exactly what you just said, but an element of this is that ZOG knows this. What if ZOG's effort to push DEI in the military aren't actually just an ideology thing, but are instead done on purpose to ensure that the people who are still in the military are people who are entirely willing to turn guns on innocent white people?
If the military is made up of blacks who are given an order to slaughter a city of whites, they are not going to question that order - they'll do it happily.
I suspect the optimistic view of "the military would split off and there would be people who are on our side" may actually be wildly optimistic at this point - I don't see any reason to believe that ZOG wouldn't have begun to take countermeasures to patch up a weakness, and I don't see any reason to believe that - given our military's current demographics - that we should believe that what you've said is really true anymore. -
Marielle Redclaw ('s status on Monday, 12-Jun-2023 02:08:51 JST Marielle Redclaw
@Xenophon That's why when principled conservatives say, oh, the military would never attack the citizens, I think of guys like this.
They sure as hell would attack citizens, laugh while they did it, and pose for pictures with the dead.
Way too many of the ex-military on Twitter have blue wave emojis in their bios. -
CEO of Monoeye Dating ('s status on Monday, 12-Jun-2023 02:09:25 JST CEO of Monoeye Dating
@teknomunk @sapphire @teknomunk @Humpleupagus @Xenophon @Marielle_Redclaw That's a really good point - it should be easier to hide 5 guys with hostile foreign assistance than one guy, even if the one guy is a super-genius.