@pernia @0 @9 @Lyx @Merc @Tony @aosoth @chog9 @f0x @hidden @nimt @pwm @rher @shibao @styx @sun @syzygy @teratology @threat @twl I not only told him, he confirmed and then lied to me and then ragequit because his FSE account was useless if he couldn't use it to hop alts and gorespam: that was all he used it for. Look at the message in the MRF that he is so butthurt about.
> {:error, "I am not dealing with any more gorespam. It'd be one thing if you did it to people that were bothering you, but you do this to random people on TWKN and I keep asking you not to and you keep saying yes but then you keep doing it anyway."}
Regular words were not working, so I figured he'd get that, he'd message me, I'd turn it off. (I didn't know he was lying until later.) Instead he ragequit and then later sent me this long-ass message about how I am the worst thing ever.
So, like I said, it's not worth digging up.