Notices by Alt Name (
Alt Name ('s status on Monday, 17-Jun-2024 21:40:43 JST Alt Name
Social Media it's so weird, Twitter is almost entirely engagement bait... I use it for news about some things like games and to follow artist but even that it's starting to be impossible to do.
It's really boring. -
Alt Name ('s status on Friday, 01-Mar-2024 10:03:50 JST Alt Name
Have you ever been in a place full of girls? Like in a Discord server for an otome game, for example. They are incapable of going a day without making a “men bad” post but then spend the rest of the day simping not only for fictional men but for real ones as well, having crushes and salivating over guys who don’t even pay attention to them. It’s hilarious.
Alt Name ('s status on Saturday, 27-Jan-2024 08:23:22 JST Alt Name
I just found out that the first Kurogame's game (the creators of Punishing: Gray Raven and the long-awaited Wuthering Waves) was a game about defending lolis and moe from an evil government that banned them... I don't know about a better way of selling me your company than that honestly. -
Alt Name ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 01:01:15 JST Alt Name
One of the things I enjoy the most is when I research recommendations for channels or people to follow and I come across a Reddit thread where someone says “oh I don’t follow this person anymore because they said bigoted things” and I just think “wow thank you for making my life easier I no longer have to investigate whether this creator is a shitty progressive before following him.” I wish all subreddits would make a list of “bigoted” creators and make my life simpler.
Alt Name ('s status on Monday, 06-Nov-2023 07:33:59 JST Alt Name
Whenever something reaches the normies, two things happen that bother me.
The first is that everything becomes slop since normies are normies and just want the vibe of something without the complexity and depth of that something.
The second is that the terms become so used by them that they make the process of searching for information difficult for me because for Google or a library to show me the information I need I have to navigate through hundreds of thousands of results of slop information generated by normies.
It's the same feeling as trying to search for an image or references in a sea of AI. -
Alt Name ('s status on Monday, 23-Oct-2023 06:24:02 JST Alt Name
Every time trans people start malding at femenine boys on Twitter they confirm you that they know that what "makes" them the other "gender" is extremely superficial and that if one entertains the idea that you can dress however you want regardless of your sex, all their "oppression" dies. -
Alt Name ('s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2023 20:34:36 JST Alt Name
@DarkMahesvara Exactly. Kids these days are retarded. -
Alt Name ('s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2023 20:15:38 JST Alt Name
The generation that uses "critical thinking" and "media literacy" as if they were magic spells that give them super powers needs all the media they consume condescendingly repeat to them that something is wrong or they are incapable of knowing it themselves.
These children are taught to think in frameworks and repeat the theories written by ladies who died and their cats ate their faces and this is how it ends.
What having no though of your own ever in your life does to a motherfucker huh. -
Alt Name ('s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2023 10:02:04 JST Alt Name
If you are wondering why I write these things here and not on Twitter, I'm not going to pay to be able to write a lot and Twitter is full of morons. -
Alt Name ('s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2023 10:01:19 JST Alt Name
I hate this argument, but I hate more when people who are against it let it slide or even agree to a certain extent because they lack the material to contradict it.
It is not true that female sexualization is excessive, what is true is that it is SEEN more and the reason for this is simple. Men prefer visual things and women prefer written things.
There are more sexualized men on AO3 alone than in all video games and TV shows combined. Romantic novels written BY and FOR women has naked men on the cover, but it has EVEN MORE sexualized men in the content. Due to this dichotomy between the visual and the written one sees more images of women sexualized on the internet and with this reality feminists have taken the opportunity to say that the ratio is disproportionate.
But it's not the men who have "booktok" full of videos making faces of pleasure and going crazy over the SEXUAL actions of the characters in a book, it's the women.
Don't let them push this crap on you, it's a lie where they take advantage of the difference in the propagation of images versus words to paint an idea of reality that is a lie.
I dare say that women are even more perverted than men, simply like almost everything feminine, our way is less striking. The same thing happens with power, violence and crimes committed by women. Men show their power with great feats, women do it by controlling people from the shadows, men commit physical violence, easy to see, women commit psychological violence, difficult to see and leaves even worse consequences, men commit crimes against people who are easier to find (other men and adults in general), women go to places where their victims are weaker like nursing homes and daycares. -
Alt Name ('s status on Saturday, 21-Oct-2023 21:12:33 JST Alt Name
One of the good things about living in the third world and being poor is that it is extremely easy for me not to buy something that is made by people who hate me. Because I have grown up having to be very smart with my money, I am already used to not being able to consume certain things so making the decision not to pay for a woke game is very easy.
The only things I can't escape are bad translations, and Sims, because they have no competition. -
Alt Name ('s status on Saturday, 21-Oct-2023 20:12:02 JST Alt Name
Fine, I accept it. I'm a boomer. I hate this generation lol.
They not only accept things like soulless remakes and microtransactions, they ask for it... -
Alt Name ('s status on Wednesday, 30-Aug-2023 22:10:21 JST Alt Name
I am going to tell you the real problem that these people have. It is not the fanservice, you will see that they like the fanservice (that caters to them, normally yaoi or bishojo boys) if you look at their likes.
The problem they have is their own narcissism. They want shows that cater to them and only them, but they don't know (and don't want to know) how to Google. They're mad because what it's popular it's not the thing for them and they only know how to consume what it's popular, they aren't teens anymore so of course they're mad, they can't comprehend anything if the thing isn't a perfect reflection of themselves.
That's why you see them complaining about these animes but not about how YA literature is consuming the shelves, because that's for them do of course it's not a problem.
But the anime that becomes popular in the west is the one catering to teens and people who like the high school dream, not the eternally mad young adult wasting they're live away in a degree they aren't gonna use with a debt they cannot pay. So, again, of course they're mad lol.
There's also the problem that this is for men (I'm a woman and I think Dress up is a good show for everyone honestly, the characters are just too good) and anything that caters to men is bad in today's world. -
Alt Name ('s status on Friday, 11-Aug-2023 03:02:43 JST Alt Name
@locagainstwall I can do that but is the same as playing it with translation. I will not find out what they are saying 🤣
Alt Name ('s status on Friday, 11-Aug-2023 02:53:20 JST Alt Name
Should I play Japanese games in English (and Spanish) knowing that the translations are bad or should I keep waiting for my Japanese to be good enough to read them? Big questions, big questions :puddicat_think:
Alt Name ('s status on Monday, 07-Aug-2023 15:01:58 JST Alt Name
Anime girls are "kids", but hyper realistic zoophilia is totally fine. I know this conversation is a waste of time, but honestly sometimes I wish I could poison people over the internet. -
Alt Name ('s status on Thursday, 03-Aug-2023 09:18:22 JST Alt Name
Brooo, TikTok can be good sometimes 🤣 -
Alt Name ('s status on Friday, 28-Jul-2023 20:34:25 JST Alt Name
If dating apps suck (and they're not even used much in your country) how do you get a date?
I know what you're going to tell me. Go outside. But what if where I live there are almost no events about something I'm interested in that I can attend and meet suitors?
Sometimes I wish there was an arranged marriage system, I would give my list to someone with a lot of experience and they would bring me people who are looking for someone like me T_T -
Alt Name ('s status on Wednesday, 26-Jul-2023 00:09:41 JST Alt Name
I want something positive to say to the world, but I'm tired. I guess...
:8b_h: :8b_a: :8b_g: :8b_l: :8b_o: :8b_v: :8b_e: -
Alt Name ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Jul-2023 07:57:09 JST Alt Name
Should I depression-post or should I ship the fuck up? :anime_think: