@foone I've thought about this multiple times, but the thing is, alt texts for one and the same image might be hugely different based upon the context in which it is used.
I mean, sure, embedding _something_ is probably helpful nevertheless, but it's not that simple to consider all requirements.
And I thought "wait, didn't @mntmn's MNT Reform have a great Operator Handbook"? So I went and looked it up, and damn! It's even better than I thought.
Not only does it explain how to charge the laptop and turn it on. It introduces you to Linux, has exploded-view drawings of components, includes schematics and even a bill of materials! Magnificent.
Did you know that #XScreenSaver (yes, the collection of screensavers for X11) is available on Android?
And that #Google requires it to have a privacy policy in order to be available in the Play Store?
And that the maintainer chose to crowd-source a privacy policy where every item starts with "Unlike Google"?
It's become a great list of all the privacy violations Google did and still does. And I thought that it's gonna be long, but it's even longer than I imagined.
A few days ago, my groovebox, the #SynthstromDeluge, running the new and awesome community-built firmware, crashed, which was very cool.
Not that it crashed, but what happened next: It displayed a colorful pattern on its pads.
That's a stack trace. It's listing the last steps the code made before crashing. The devs have asked to be sent photos of these, to help them find bugs.
I've pasted it on Discord, and there's a _bot_ that recognizes these images and decodes them into addresses!
@foone So we're talking logistics, not accommodation. 👍
"Buchung" can be • a bookkeeping entry or financial transaction, • a booking, as in reservation of a room or other resource, • the act of ordering something
"Zustand" means state, condition, situation.
It's most definitely a rather domain-specific term. Googling shows me meanings like "has this been entered in the shipment tracking system", "has sth. been transferred to/from a warehouse storage", etc.
@foone German here. Do you have some more context? It's a compound word, yeah. "booking status" or "reservation state", but I'm not sure what that's supposed to _be_.
#Protomaps, a way to serve vector #maps of the entire world using a single static file and HTTP range requests.
It’s basically a static site generator for interactive maps. Tile servers are pretty much obsolete now. No database needed, you can run your interactive, smooth-zooming vector map from any HTTP storage. S3, Caddy running on your Wi-Fi router, even GitHub pages.
@aral I can’t quite pinpoint it, but to me there’s a difference between “my Mastodon instance is full, you need to find another place to create an account on, if you want to comment on my toots” and “my forge is full, you need to dig around to find another one (that’s federating with it) to tell me about a security issue in my code”.
Nerd. Freelance Software Dev. Relationship Anarchist. Sometimes lives in a van. Queer white cis dude, promotes anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, intersectional feminism, the fight against climate change, and thoughtful, ethical behavior in general.Toots in English or German about software development (mainly Python, JavaScript, Shell), Linux, Vim, electronics/µCs, van life, politics, sex, (inter)personal & emotional things, music, Star Trek, beverages.May contain awful puns.