i just found it shocking that they have based their landgrab on an argument about a molecule that can be dispelled by anyone who has had a semester of high school chemistry.
Both the Pennsylvania coal mine fire and the Turkmen gas field are small, compared to an average volcano. Eruption of a volcano under the coal mine or gas field would simply blow them away at once, instead of burning for years and decades. And of course, Yellowstone is a much larger than average volcano.
also, WP: this new super-secret pentagon document says Putin's army is 97% committed to battle in the Ukraine. which is also silly. Russia just tripled (?) the size of its army -- those of us watching have been expecting dramatic changes in the conflict, but seeing no reports.
The trees of McLaurin Heights. Water oak and pine. As old as the 50s tract homes here. Rooted in Yazoo clay mud & spreading branches into the Mississippi sun. 60 - 75 feet tall now. Woodpeckers live here. If one fails it crushes one of these 1100 square foot homes. Oh, and New York, Philadelphia, Boston, you owe me all your carbon credits now…
of course, the advantage of modern languages is that you can make that program change in a minute or less, and try it. back then, I would have to struggle for a day redoing branch target addresses, etc, etc..
the school had a System 360 in another room that it used for school business, records, accounting, etc. the 360 was an order of magnitude faster and more capable, but the 1620 was fun to play with. the contrast with a modern laptop or phone, running an interpreted language with all its backing and forthing overhead, and your quick-and-dirty sieve tearing down the array with every iteration, was interesting.
Interesting thread. In 1963 or so, I wrote a sieve for the 1620 in machine language. As I recall, I skipped multiples of 2, 3, and 5 and only tested divisors up to sqrt( x ). It only had 60K of storage, so the array was limited . . . the program hadn't hit its limit but after about a half hour another student came in and wanted to run something else. The largest prime it printed was 15551. Was fun to watch the blinkenlights as it struggled with long division.
Your future vision is correct, if Globohomo wins in Ukraine.. I think it's going to be more Russian in the future. However, any surviving Ukraine veterans will still be shat upon.
The Russian army will become an occupation force, which may or may not replace all those faggy bureaucrats with Russians.