@mntmn I wonder if typing on it feels like it looks like it would feel. And how the handling of it compares to that of a VAIO P. And how software support for the platform/architecture is. Thr only time I tried Debian on an ARM device was wit the Gemini PDA and there installing anything not from the official repo (that wasn't maintained and very limited) was an adventure and not fun.
@alcinnz I can do this when I get around to. As a rule, I don't promise anything though. Especially no to avoid the position property for what I have in mind. You mean nonfunctional mockups in HTML and CSS just for layout and design, right? Should I avoid JavaScript? (I want to.)
@alcinnz I have some ideas how some field types could look like and work. If you're interested I'll write them down. But I'd rather do it tomorrow with a keyboard. (Maybe ironically.)
@alcinnz Startpage: Most visited URLs seems ordinary and uncreative but I think many people use and like it. Whatever the start page ends up being I guess it should just be an HTML page that can be changed by the user to their choice.
@alcinnz Actually it seems more sites load the overlay via JavaScript to begin with. Having no JS whatsoever breaks many sites but also makes many sites more enjoyable.
@alcinnz Webforms: _If_ only arrow buttons and an Enter/OK button are available, the best option seems to me to be a grid of the alphabet, numbers, some other characters and a button to switch to a different character set (special characters, emoticons, …). I work with what I guess could be described embedded machines with limited input devices. Nobody in the industry has come up with a better design that's immediately understood and usable by anybody. But it's annoying and slow and hardly acceptable for daily use. It was fine for a high score name in Nintendo games. But it takes too much time to enter more than that.
I'm reminded of T9 texting. Couldn't the digit keys be used? You can get quite sufficient with an old phone with not much more than number keys. A TV remote has the keys in the wring place, but it still seems better than the character grid, if it's possible with ordinary TVs.
@alcinnz Well yes, float is unnecessarily weird now with the newer options. Maybe it's unnecessary too. I don't know how much it's still used. But position seems hard to avoid. What would the web be without annoying position: fixed overlays? Apart from that it's really useful. I'd imagine many layouts would break without any position properties.
@alcinnz Ooh, a new browser engine with CSS support above that of Dillo? Didn't I say to you before that it sounded like that's what you were making and you said no? Or maybe I'm misinterpreting your reply again because I wish so much that somebody would start a new, lightweight browser engine with good CSS support. Anyway, I'm looking forward to that demo. (I hope I don't need a TV to run it.)
Wanna hear Tim Berners-Lee explain what the #WWW is? I've never heard a podcast with such a strong #retrotech feeling to it. Except it's not a podcast because it's from 1993 and there were no podcasts in 1993.
@rysiek The weird thing is: Those "smart" features (whatever features this label stands for) usually mean many drawbacks in exchange for minor benefits that are only useful in corner cases.
I don't have anything against the internet of things. I like for example that all my hygrometers are accessible via LAN (and WAN if I want to). But, as an example from the opposite side, the assumption that wanting a TV/large monitor in the living room includes wanting to have a microphone listening to what's going on in that living room and talking to Google, Amazon, idk whom, is absurd.
I wish I could buy a dumb 65" monitor for a reasonable price. I don't want software to mess with the colors, chang
person who usually doesn't know what to put in a bio, theoretical maker (having ideas and then not #making them), self-identified #neurodivergent, privacy-loving bearer of an abnormal brain, grown-up boy, naive but not as gullible as I used to be, #DataHoarder, doing coordinated clicky typie stuff for a salary.changing interests: digital #electronics/computers, #retrotech, the #SmallWeb, DIYing things from scrap, recreational #programming, bash, #dream #science, …Spike is best pony.