UPDATE: Convicted child sex offender XEYNAS thinks @Kinochet is after him! After Godwinson's brief coverage of xeynas and his degeneracy, xeynas declared himself to be part of the "kino dogme 2007" lore. He is proud to be the sektur's chomo.
@chudbere@Jim@Kinochet No he ain't a groyper, he's upset I posted messages from like a week or two ago, scroll up to my opening post, that's why he flagged KC (nigger thinks I'm really kinochet). As for the screenshots origin, those come from his gaming discord.
@chudbere@Jim@Kinochet >1. Just from the screenshots, it seems like this guy likes to inflate his self-importance quite a bit. Probably is lying about single-handedly taking down the KC channel. It was probably probably both groypers and his report >2. Don't hang out in discord servers belonging to convicted child molesters. >3. Don't hang out in discord. How else am I gonna collect intel on retards
@WhiteDissidentRadio 🤦♀️ You are falling for their trick. Drag shows, pornography etc are NOT free speech, these things fall under FREE EXPRESSION The constitution also doesn't cover FREE EXPRESSION, so predatory drag shows could be banned FREE SPEECH allows me to say nigger, kike and criticize the gov while FREE EXPRESSION allows drags groom children. FREE EXPRESSION = jewish FREE SPEECH = based
@WhiteDissidentRadio >We didn't allow pornography to be accessed by children. We didn't allow vulgarity and sexuality to be displayed so openly. You are again confusing FREE SPEECH with FREE EXPRESSION
"The World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the World Party of Socialist Revolution founded by Leon Trotsky. Its aim is to unite the international working class, on the basis of a socialist and internationalist program, to put an end to the capitalist system and establish socialism on a world scale."
@Heil_Honkler@ColonReport Bitch, what do you think you are?? *Quickly unsheathes Katana* This thing has been folded like a thousand time! You have no chance of winning, paypig! Surrender before its too late! I do have the high ground!
@charliebrownau@matty@graf >Maybe stop with the shaming and guilt and calling people gay if the dont comply His former associate, former gab employee Rob Colbert, did the same shit with the shing tv grift https://archive.ph/BliwT