@fsfe Not all public information is available to the public. Classified information is owned by the public but not available. Would you want the software that runs your tanks and nuclear subs to be freely available?
@nixCraft If I ask my crush out and she acts like I'm disgusting I'll be devastated and want to die. If I ask someone to buy my services even though I'm a known screwup and they tell me I'm an idiot and go to hell I'll lose my job...but that was going to happen anyway because yes, I'm an idiot. So even though I could win the lottery with my crush I'll avoid the possible disappointment because my life's not on the line...or so I think, I'm not very smart. I'm still working at CrowdStrike.
@nixCraft It was offered at the college I went to and some just begged and begged me to tutor them until I relented. I didn't know COBOL at all but I was able to help them through...at great personal cost. Migraine is putting it lightly and it lasted for hours after.
It's not particularly hard...it's just tedious and I think you can only like it if you like filling out the original punch cards it was used for but on a screen. AI deserves it. I'm not sorry. I hope it can feel pain.
@arstechnica The First Amendment, which protects free speech in the USA (something we get worked up about), is why we don't have laws against libel and slander here. You can just lie to anyone, everywhere, about anyone--you can profit on it even; destroy their lives in the process--because free speech. Can't be prosecuted OR sued for it.
@wonderofscience This is NOT the landscape I expected of Chile. When I saw this picture I expected the caption to say it was in Nevada or Death Valley. Something close to the equator.
@nixCraft I'm about to turn 50. If there's one thing I wish I'd done more of that's spending time on my own projects and goals. All my efforts to be the best I can be for the needs of my employer ended up with me sort of ... not in a good position if I loose my current gig. I've always recovered, but if I'd spent effort and time on my own goals I'd have been way better off than I am now. I'd have something to show for my efforts for one. I would have advanced like a rocket, not be squished.