@nixCraft As always it depends. When computer graphics started I watched Bryce Vistas over electronic music. People would render POV-Ray scenes or create VRML worlds, all with cubes and spheres. Nothing was realistic but it had a certain dream-like vibe. If youtube existed then, people would consider this crap floading the platform. Today I still watch / create Deforum animations, althought it's already going out of style. I like to dream 😴 and AI does a pretty good job at it.
@nixCraft I usually program silently. But I've had Rain Tree Crow on repeat in my car for a whole year. Just got a taste of it when I went out for lunch.
@nixCraft, Statistics that were provided in a popular PhD primer I once had, said that the success rate was 1 in 4. That number was conforting to me later when I quit and convinced myself that it was OK because I was in the majority.
@nixCraft This morning, I just got through a box filled with electronic components that were purchased for some "projects" I though would be fun to build. If each of them was scaled to book-size, it would probably match that tower.
@nixCraft I'm in virtual production, so I use an iPhone to test UE5's livelink feature. And I had an AR project that first mandated the purchase of that phone. There's not enough versatility or specialization in an Android phone to force me to switch. (I'm using Android because ...) while having various computers with different Os for different reasons (Windows PC for gaming, Ubuntu laptop for scripting / development / comic books, RasPi Linux for media center and cool electronic projects) ...