@lain@hfaust Nope, I usually just use Picard and Musicbrainz. Looks like this aggregates from a bunch of different sources. I do want to populate the data on Musicbrainz though, so I'm using some helper scripts for that, it's still slow, however.
But I'll look into this and see if I can add it to my flow anywhere. I'm not currently familiar with it.
@lain Had a recent experience that was pretty frustrating with a junior dev. They kept sending me confusing PRs that took hours to review. Eventually it forced me to have a meeting with them about it, whereby I learned that they were figuring out what to do through AI prompts and then stitching the solution together.
@arcanicanis@PurpCat@coolboymew lol that takes me back. We had a few blessed devices with a dev-cert to produce builds on. I recall that BS $100 fee, good to hear it's apparently not a thing any more.
@coolboymew@PurpCat I used to be an app developer (years ago now), and no - you need a legit Mac to sign the final binary. Not sure if it's changed since then, but it was a big annoyance for our build system.
@coolboymew My last ever Mac purchase, I had tons of trouble wiping the drive to install a different OS. It was as if their boot firmware actively tried to prevent it. Anyways, I struggled to find the magic combination of peripherals to be able to do what I wanted.
In the end I needed a special keyboard. For some reason my other keyboard did not work for inputting the key commands for accessing the BIOS???
After working with it a bit, I can tell I'm really going to like my new keyboard. However, there are still a few things I need to tweak on it.
I really want to be done programming this thing, I feel like I've spent enough time on this keyboard. But if I finish the year without it being "done" I'll feel really bad about it.
@coolboymew This show is so good, really excited for the next episode!
This arc is really well done, and it's a nice change of pace from the slower opening. I like both, but it's nice that it's mixing in a little more action-centric stuff to keep things fresh, even if it's only for a bit.
Posting about cofe and programming. :blobcatCoffee:Feel free to follow and interact! I speak English primarily, but I can speak some simple conversational Japanese as well.#nobots #yesbun