I find it amusing that the result of banning Trump from every platform resulted him creating Truth Social, with a lot of folks who followed him and got banned moving to Truth Social.
You cannot "ban" people, all you do is force them to balkanize elsewhere. You are pissing them off, and now they will hate you more.
Learn a trade like an electrician, plumber, bricklayer and earn the money you would spend on college. You might find you don't need college, and then you have the cash down to start a business.
When you pair this with your own PKT node it is a game-changer, you become the ISP. This Fediverse node, pkteerium is hosted by its lead developer. I am just a guest here, but I have the Mini and I helped test Anode.
I still use my own VPN routed over my own Debian nodes, but if you do not know how to do that Anode is something you want to try.
Precisely. Anode requires that you TRAIN YOURSELF in the relevant technologies, and so is PKT and all the blockchains.
Nail hit on head saying the only technology you can trust is the one you control. Your focus might be different, but my focus is to start migrating the DNS-based internet into something like https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns
If you find Anode "stupid" you are not entirely familiarized with the potential to steer away from the Cisco IP routers. You do not accept the fact that IPv6 is a cluster-fuck, where the architects forgot the fact that routing an "unlimited pool" will be a "challenge".
Might as well tell me that everyone who look mexican must prove they are citizen.
In 1986 about 75% of the applicants who gained legal status under IRCA were from Mexico. The rest came from Cuba, Vietnam, Poland, China, and the Soviet Union. Very few came from Pakistan, Iran, and some North African countries - AKA Muslims.
Anyone who discuss "amnesty" is an out-of-control anti-american, and their primary objective will be to hide the fact that these "immigrants" are fucking opportunistic invaders who flooded across the border in the last 4 years.
This is not an amnesty, this is a surrender, capitulation.
The Republicans aided the invasion, and talking about giving amnesty to anyone this time around is not Republican policy, its something else.
MAGA is not Republican, its an "emergency response". Its the pendulum that will swing back hard.
Part of MAGA is to reject all the bickering about what is right and and what is wrong, and just decide what is necessary.
Mass deportation of the millions who invaded using all sort of resources provided to them, for the sole purpose to provide with a disruptive presence, is absolutely necessary BEFORE any immigration reform.
I will push back on anyone who would try to discredit my explanation, or its context.
Amnesty for those who entered the US without permit?
Whoever even considers it is NOT a Republican. You see how easy it is to see? You do not reward invaders with citizenship, you beat the invaders back and make sure everyone understand what you did and why you did it.
Otherwise the country will be overrun by billions and billions from all over the planet.
Its not just the "jews", and as the matter of fact this "it is the Jews" individual opinion that must be filtered.
We need the LLMs to behave like a traffic cop. A DUI does not care if you are drunk, high, or over-medicated - you are impaired.
The traffic cop never acts as judge or jury, it simply removes DUI suspects from the roads, does the administrative think to create Historical Records based on valid observation and chemical tests.
We can tell when the "AI" is fucked-up, when it creates images of black Abraham Lincoln. That bitch who taught that to the AI should be sitting in prison right now, by the way.
This is the only way forward, removing this stupid "The Jews did it" argument because its either incomplete, inaccurate, irrelevant.
That is my point. No agenda can suppress individual ingenuity, and the moronic, gullible, sheepish majority is always a necessity - otherwise there is no wealth, no accomplishments, no true progress.
The Great Reset is then nothing else but the same old ignorant masses, those who elect to be broke ass poor and stupid as a dumbbell.
We cannot all be rich, famous, VIPs - how is that going to be changed by the "Great Reset"? It won't be changed, there is nothing changing.
What's the "Great Reset" anyways? I keep reading about it, but I never know if its just a popular opinion or based on something more substantiated. I am not asking this to troll, I am asking this to spend some time with it and read up, maybe pit ChatGPT against some part of it.
She is very big on abortion "rights", and its now evident its not a Civil Rights issue. Demons are real folks, Demons exist.
I am all for abortion until a heartbeat is detected. NOBODY ever propose that, its either the "life begins at conception" religious bigots or "abortion up to birth" demons.
Women done turned every single Western institution into deranged activist HQs, with the Teacher's Union leading Women's Sport, the Media, the Courts, and the list goes on. Their habits on the roads is nothing compared to those.
During the day works as a manufacturing component engineer, off-hours he is a GNU/Debian, Web2 infrastructure expert and still an undisputed 3D-printing mechanical inventor and all-around champ!I seldom confuse political activism with civic activity, so when I do post about politics it has to do in regards of civic life in the USA. Whats happening in any other country is not my business, so I will stay out of it.