@taylan He traced some of his art and tried to pass it off as sketched from visual. Told a bunch of aspiring artists that they don't need to work to improve their art, that it will just happen, is a general scumbag and obvious white knight, and above all is a mediocre artist at his best.
Someone made a video about how shitty he is years ago, no idea where to find it nowadays @matrix
@taylan Dobson is a piece of shit, a shit artist willing to stagnate, and somehow has (had?) a following that takes his horrid advice seriously @matrix
@Elliptica I think it's prudent to point out that the picture above is misleading. The ban is (currently) for photorealistic "art" that depicts child pornography, not anime style loli.
I'm of two minds on this. No victim no crime, it should be allowed to exist as long as there is no party harmed by it. But also I'm not really excited about having to worry if material is legal or not when it shows up.
@matrix Normal people: Lolicons just want naive little girls to force themselves on
Lolicons: Yeah if this tiny girl could bully me and make threats she'll ruin my life I'd get so erect I could barely stand, what happens from there is up to her.
@noyoushutthefuckupdad There's loads of tech trannies because there's loads of autism in tech. Autists hear from trannies about how they had all the same shit that autists do, not feeling normal etc, and go all in on trooning out.
Then they get a taste of getting to tell other people what to do and it's over. @Zerglingman@Moon
@Jdogg247 That's called a fetish. He's getting boners because he is engaging in his fetish.
You could be generous and assume that his fetish is passing as a woman, but we all know it's just being in the women's bathroom. Pointing out that real women see his boner just ensures that it's part of the fetish.
This isn't even faggotry, it's just degenerate behavior we're supposed to condone because we decided THIS mental illness is too profitable.
@Ripsnort Honestly the blue hair faggot that made this is just upset that it's playing a character in a game that's more oppressed than it is.
That ruins the entire homo victim mentality. "Homos HAVE to be oppressed! How can the minor struggles I've gone through not be the limits of human cruelty?"
The fag ain't mad that the goblin is experiencing fantasy racism, the fag is mad that it's worse than what happens to them on real life. @matrix