@coolboymew@shitposter.club Yesterday I was looking for the trailer. The actual fucking thing was nowhere to be seen and the search result was riddled with brainlets like this. I don't understand why they put their faces on the thumbnail.
@coolboymew@shitposter.club Fumihide Aoki was the one who made her IIRC, but Shigeru Miyamoto was like "Yeah nah I ain't even checking this one out, she's gonna look like Doronjo, she ain't gonna be cute". He was only right in part though, she does have a couple of things I can see were inspired by Doronjo.
Hi, I'm a raccoon, you may know me from that one time I stole trash from your porch.I live in many places, maybe you've seen that video of me hiding under a manhole.If you wanna talk to me you can find me on the chat accounts listed belowOr we can talk on my mumble server if you poke me and ask me to hop on it: raccoon.questOn the fedi I prefer having fun and avoid political debated, if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic know that those are not topic I'm interested about, I'm quite the opposite of those, I TRY to avoid conversation and arguments about those topics so please help me do that.I like being proven wrong, if done respectfully, because it's a great learning experience.Y'all like shitty websites? I have a shitty website: https://raccoon.quest/You can find a search engine, a radio and a mumble server free for everyone to use.