I haven't forgotten that in 2020 Biden campaigned from his basement. Even back then anybody who seriously thought he'd be capable of being president was deluded. The inner circle already knew they'd be in full control during Biden's disaster of a presidency. They stole an insane amount of money during the past years. But how did they manage to govern this badly? It is possible to loot without fucking up policies foreign, domestic and economic all at the same time.
Arranged marriages are/were also the custom in pooland and their breeding rate is higher than Whites.
Below replacement level fertility has more to do with modernity (industrial revolution and its consequences) incl culture and chemical pollution of the environment, e.g. hormone disruptors.
Thing is language models ("AI") give better answers to most everyday questions than Google search. Esp better than the current woke and advertising-laden version of Google search. Since Google failed at pretty much everything else besides search if anything makes a significant dent in their search revenue they'll be in trouble.
Nothing's wrong with some talentless, oblivious, old ahole playing guitar (badly) in a dive bar. The problem is that same ahole leading the foreign policy of the US.
The issue that sunk Silicon Valley Bank (interest rate hikes fucked long term US bond holders) has never gone away. They just kept papering it over for every other bank that would be bankrupt.
jews and their banking system should be, in Minecraft, ...
He who dares not offend cannot be honest. - Thomas PaineThe object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. - Marcus AureliusThe closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier its laws are. - Marcus Tullius CiceroThe more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. - Tacitus