@Faintdreams@taedryn Dysphoria is the logical side of your brain screaming in desperation hoping you'll listen, crying that you are a man and stop with the drugs and hormones. And please don't cut off our penis! I'm sure the Rx cocktails you take shut out that voice of reason but don't blame the women's underwear if you feel like shit.
@ArdainianRight He could have used the internet to spread his message better if he only was able to last a few more years. His crime was sending his packages randomly instead of targeted.
@summeremacs@bookstodon@bookbubble Banning fag books is a good idea, there is no educational value by pushing it onto kids. Except if you are trying to groom them.
@ArdainianRight@tultican His opinions are just wrong about everything. And he complains that parents are desperate to get their kids out of his public school, I wonder why?
@RamenCatholic It's outrageous anyone involved with the church would openly support a sinful lifestyle. It's possible your name is just a play on words but in this sick society if you can't even count on the church to say no to the lgbtqp agenda then who is left? You won't always hear things you like from the church but you need to hear the truth and people like you are false prophets, leading sinners astray, giving validation instead of condemnation. Shame on you.
@Frisk I've always wondered if you zoo sex pests just fuck domestic animals or do you target larger game when in the great outdoors? It's certainly a way to up the excitement.